It's easy to look at a weed as a nuisance, just like it's easy to look at a challenging behavior in your classroom as a nuisance (or worse). And so, being the best teacher we can be, we try to "solve the problem". Weed killer and mowers, red/green behavior charts and elaborate behavior point systems. 

But what if we looked at the whole scenario through a regenerative, win-win mindset: what if paused and looked at that "weed", or that behavior, for what it really offers, instead of jumping to fix the problem with the way we've been conditioned to think about it? What possibilities could open up?

Check out this week's podcast to hear Sarah compare weeds to those behaviors, and three questions you can ask yourself to pause and really improve the classroom culture you cultivate.

Check out show notes and leave us a comment or question voicemail at We could feature your question or comment on the next show!