We're getting pretty good at throwing around the important C words in 21st century education: collaboration, creativity, and communication. They're top-of-mind for me, and I'm guessing it's the same for you.

At the same time, there are lots of words and concepts that education could potentially steal from other systems or beliefs. And, since I believe in the power of language, I know it's very beneficial to use exact terminology that gets us thinking more about how we help nourish and cultivate both the students in our room and ourselves.

The word I want to challenge us to start using more in our classroom today is... STEWARDSHIP. This podcast goes into the definition of stewardship, why I believe it's so important for today's learners, and how to start using it in your own life and your own room to create a more regenerative classroom culture.

Check out the show notes page, where you can also leave us a voicemail with a comment or a question! https://www.groundedteaching.com/podcast/episode9

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