I was thrilled to get the chance to interview classroom teacher, author, founder (and so much more!) Maja Watkins recently! When a colleague said I needed to connect with her, I Googled her up, and there I saw-- for the first time-- "Improv Curriculum" related to social emotional needs. IMPROV CURRICULUM?! Sounds pretty not-mechanical: not perfect, not scripted, not standardized, rooted in connection and joy and humor. 

Maja is so passionate about students, and she draws on her creative improv background when it comes to their social and emotional needs.  She's created literally hundreds of games to play with students to help them connect to each other, to class content, to themselves.

This is one of those episodes that was not only enjoyable, but really helpful. I took away some concrete games that I've already played with my own kid. :)

Definitely check out Maja's resources below to see her books and services! 

About Maja:

Maja is a mother, author, teacher, and founder living in Los Angeles, Ca. Through her work with children in various settings, and her experience growing up with a brother on the autism spectrum, Maja has developed an understanding of how powerful communication is for all people. Maja is the author of The Brain's Playground: Using Improv Games To Teach Social and Emotional Learning as well as the author of a parenting guidebook titled: 10 Minutes of Play for 10 Days. The Brain’s Playground includes her valuable research, data, and curriculum. Maja holds a degree in Child Development and is also a graduate of The Second City in Hollywood where she studied improvisation and sketch comedy. Maja works as a Social and Emotional Learning Specialist and creates inclusive opportunities where the curriculum is designed to allow children and young adults to reach their highest potential in whichever way they feel most comfortable.

Show Links:

Maja Watkins Website Maja Watkins books and services We Are Verbs  More about the workbook and workshops this month related to scarcity Regenerative Ed Patreon