FAIL. We all fail. What's it mean? What can we do with it? In a non-toxic-positivity sort of way, there's a lot failure can teach us about...teaching. And in a living-systems sort of view (which is what we do on the podcast and at Grounded Teaching), there's a lot we can learn about feedback systems to prevent or learn from perceived failures.

That's what November is actually all about. Each month, aligned to our monthly programming in We Are Verbs, we are digging into a theme, and with our new re-organization with sliding scale tiers including a free section  I record a podcast for each role and post it in the section that's totally free, forever. We're calling them mini-casts, and I'm housing them in the free section of our We Are Verbs community because the format of Regenerative Ed podcast doesn't work for speaking to individual educator groups. It would flood the feed. And this way you can simply log on and listen to the podcast that represents your role (and maybe dabble in a few others because they all apply!)

Come and join We Are Verbs, which is our program and community for all types of educators who are interested in a more regenerative future. You can check it out for free, forever!

One of the things that I've been really excited about is making these mini-casts in the free resource section of the community for individual educator groups, which is what the buffet in this title goes into, as I preview all the mini-casts in We Are Verbs:

Listen to classroom teachers minicast: failure (with so many nodes of interactions!), unique genius, negativity bias, feedback loops

Listen to administrators minicast: self-judgment, leader-artist, giving teachers feedback, and more

Listen to ed consultants/instructional coaches minicast:  "cultures of feedback".

community educators: two types of containers and the containers we build BONUS: my own failures

homeschool teachers: questioning ourselves, anchoring in first principles and values, and more

outdoor educators: resonance

It's a super easy and free way to stay connected to our theme in We Are Verbs throughout the month. Check it out at the links above!


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