How can you design a house with a Zero Footprint mentality? What small changes can you make today if you want to have a more regenerative home? In today’s episode, I am conversing with award-winning architect Oliver Schütte, who specialises in bioclimatic, passive and regenerative design strategies at regional, urban and architectural scales. Oliver developed the No Footprint House (NFH), selected as one of the best residential homes by Platform Architecture and Design and will be exhibiting later this month at La Biennale di Venezia. In this episode, we dive deeper into the complex relationships of nature and the built environment and the importance of a cross-boundary design. Oliver is known for developing innovative concepts and projects based on participatory design methodologies in cities. In this episode, we talk about some of the projects he has developed in Costa Rica and about Costa Rica. Join us in this fascinating journey of what a zero-footprint mentality means at all levels.

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I’m @elenarodriguezblanco from @authenticitys, and I’d love to be in conversation with you and hear your thoughts, ideas and feedback. Visit for more notes on this Podcast and to follow our work