What is it like to be teaching at a tourism university right now? What is the role of a professor in the current scenario? How do we prepare the leaders of tomorrow in such an uncertain environment? In this week´s episode, we go deep with Daniela Freund on essential questions, including the university's role, how can companies and investors work hand in hand with emerging talent, and how new narratives concerning the Sustainable Development Goals are needed.

Daniela is a life force in the world of tourism, hospitality, education & women leadership. She contributes towards a more responsible and equal world through teaching, research, women's networks, media articles, and as a speaker. She is a lecturer and researcher at the School of Tourism and Hospitality Management Sant Ignasi, where she has held leadership positions for 13 years. In addition, she has ten years of experience as an entrepreneur and professional in hotel companies. She is also a mentor, investor & advisor of women-led tourism and education-related start-ups. She  is a Ph.D. in Education candidate  and has published in top journals on the topics of Women and Leadership.

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I’m @elenarodriguezblanco from @authenticitys, and I’d love to be in conversation with you and hear your thoughts, ideas, and feedback. Visit ReDesign-Travel.com for more notes on this Podcast and Authenticitys.com to follow our work