Raise your hand as high as you can.

Go ahead...do it right now.

Now raise your hand higher....

You did didn't you?

Funny how I told you to raise your hand as high as you can and yet you could still raise it higher when I said to....

Funny how it didn't take really much more effort to raise it a bit higher either....

Why do I mention all of this?

Because A. Often we don't realize we can give more until we are asked to.

And B. So often we don't necessarily do everything we can even though those little tweaks, doing just a little bit more, doesn't take much more effort.

It isn't that we are lazy either. Or that we don't care or want to give our all.

We do. 

But I think sometimes we just don't realize how much we are truly capable of. We don't realize the little bit more we can get out of things with just a very small bit of extra effort.

Sometimes we need that extra outside push.

That outside perspective.

We need to be shown that our limiting beliefs are false and that more is possible.

Heck sometimes we just even need someone making us aware that this could be happening like I have done right now asking you to raise your hand.

But how can you do this on a continual basis?

How can you not let yourself “get away with things” and be held back by your first impression of your attempt at something?

I wanted to share 3 ways to reflect on your effort and always get a little bit more out of yourself…

The video version of this episode is live on youtube!