I'm about 60 days away (for real this time) from releasing my new book on how to market yourself via podcasting. This is a book I started writing almost four years ago and it's been a challenge to get it out. In this episode as well as the last couple of episodes, I talk about the process of making that happen.

Taking my own advice, and the advice of songwriters in Nashville, I took the last month to give the manuscript for my upcoming book a complete rewrite.

The first draft of this book was about 120,000 words. This one is just shy of 90,000 words. It's tighter, it flows better, and it's closer to being released, but there is still a lot of work to do.

In This Episode: Goals for the manuscript rewrite -- what all non-fiction books should have  Time management for a manuscript rewrite and how to get everything done Why my first book had a co-author (and why this book is just me) How podcasting is similar to writing a book RED Podcast 1.0 vs. RED Podcast 2.0 The downside of doing interviews on your podcast (there are a ton of them, but this is the big one) Pressure -- why I feel so much of it (more than the usual pressure) to get this book right The "next" step in the book publishing process Test readers and why I chose them Why my title was rejected Book covers and why I do my own (at least the concepts) Are you too close to your work? I may be... Links To Things I Talk About: Big Podcast Pomodoro Technique FocusTime Help Your Entrepreneur Friends Reach More People...

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