There's a saying in the music business -- "Good songs are written, great songs are rewritten."

Same goes for books. If you want a great book, you need to have somebody (or a few people) help you with editing.

I'm about 60 days away from releasing my new book on how to market yourself via podcasting. This is a book I started writing about three years ago and it's been a challenge to get it out. And on this episode, I talk more about the editing process.

In This Episode: Why this book has taken over three years (so far) A book editing lesson from a print journalist What happens to your manuscript when you work on it too long (and how to fix it) My first editor (and why I'm no longer working with her) The reason the new editors sent my manuscript back to me without editing it Bringing in yet another person to help me with a new outline for the book Why I haven't given up on this book already Links To Things I Talk About: Big Podcast Help Your Entrepreneur Friends Reach More People...

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