Previous Episode: Heart-Centered Affirmations

It’s no secret that uncomfortability and uncertain times in life sometimes leads to stress-induced disordered thinking. This is completely normal. The brain is a sensitive muscle, and when we become overly stressed, the brain naturally goes into survival mode to protect us from further stress. What I mean by this is that our brains are naturally wired to keep us safe, and in order to do that, it usually goes into thinking all the negative “what ifs'' and creates all kinds of untrue stories about what could potentially happen, like I said, to keep us safe. This is beneficial in certain life-threatening situations, but in most stressful situations, it only adds fuel to the fire. While it’s challenging at first to dismantle the catastrophizing emotions and mindset all at once, the more we practice emotionally regulating ourselves, and being in the present moment with great intention, we get to experience a calm mind even in the depths of an emotionally trying situation. 

As we dive deeper into this topic today, we learn the tools that can empower us to make a positive change in our lives, especially when dealing with uncertainty. 

Disclaimer: I am not a therapist or mental health professional, this is my opinion and not based on facts. I am not saying you should feel differently about your potential trauma or negative life experiences. I am simply sharing my personal experience dealing with seemingly negative life experiences and how I healed and am still healing myself from that. My goal is to always empower others to navigate through life with ease and confidence in themselves and their true power. 

Thank you for listening, I love you all.