While there is no perfect recipe for happiness, there are so many ways to incorporate joyful activities in your life, even when life itself doesn’t feel that great. A big part of creating my own happiness was doing the things that I knew deep down would make me feel good, even if I really didn't want to. While it may seem easier to not actually do the work  to make a change in your mood or in your life, it’s easier to do it now vs later when your brain is even more hardwired to stay comfortable. The most life changing moments were when I pushed feeling comfortable away and I made an intentional choice to better myself regardless of discomfort. And honestly, it’s only uncomfortable in the beginning, after a while, bettering yourself becomes second nature and I started realizing how i’d been the only one holding myself back, which was so freeing to understand and be able to change that aspect of my life. You deserve to be happy. You're incredible, beautiful and deserving of everything you desire and I'm honored to have you here with me. Thanks for listening, I love you.