Are you single and ready to mingle? Are you dating and looking for support? Or do you feel like dating is your worst nightmare and you just want to find what you’re looking for already! Wherever you’re at, we’ve got you. 

In this episode we explore what it looks like to consciously and intentionally navigate dating in 2023. We all know what a minefield it can be. We all hear the cliché's tossed around - we’ve all been brought up on rom-coms and Hollywood and now social media -  that has often shown us a very narrow view of what dating is and isn’t - and usually it isn’t pretty. 

We want to challenge those stereotypes and talk about what it looks like to enter into the dating world with intention, clarity on your own values, clarity on what you’re seeking, and with a healthy mindset. We are going to discuss how to actually get what you want from dating - keeping in mind that we are all seeking different things at different times, and that being aware of what you want is the first step. 

What are some healthy dating mindsets? What questions can we ask ourselves and others to get clear on our values and our intentions - or theirs's?  What activities facilitate getting to know someone in a way that supports your dating goals?

I’m not saying we have the answers for you, but we definitely have a lot of thought provoking discussions and healthy debates on the subject for you in this juicy, juicy episode! 

Joining our host today are Paige and Jacques: 

Paige is an ex-professional ski racer, an avid solo traveler, and she’s passionate about financial tech for small businesses. Feel free to reach out to her on instagram @elles.est if you’re interested in connecting!

Jacques is widely known as the Party Scientist and his hypothesis is that human connection is the greatest medicine that we possess and that community is our greatest tool and healer. He is known for throwing sober parties that enhance instead of inhibit our ability to connect. He can be found at if you wish to connect!

Connect with us on Instagram: @helluvahall

Connect with us on TikTok: @reclaimyourradiance

Email us: [email protected]

Interested in learning more about our Sensual Reclamation Retreat in September of 2023, hosted in a remote location near Vancouver Canada? Reach out on IG to @helluvahall

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