How well a person communicates is one of the sexiest things about them. Am I right?

Even if you don’t agree, it is still one of the most important aspects of any relationship. And communication isn’t just what you are putting out, it is about how much understanding is created between the people involved. 

One of the most effective and widespread tools for effective communication is a body of work known as ‘Nonviolent Communication’ by Marshall Rosenburg. 

In this episode, Kris speaks to special guest Warren Hooley, a Non-violent Communication (NVC) workshop facilitator. Warren is a passionate student and teacher of this body of work and advocates for its conscious use with a lot of passion. 

The goal of this episode is to address many of the pitfalls and misconceptions surrounding NVC and help people gain a greater understanding of what NVC is, what it isn’t, and how to best use it to transform your life. 

Topics of discussion include:

3:38 - What is NVC?

6:59.5 - Warren’s Story

17:41 - NVC as a communication tool (embodying the energy of curiosity) 

18:59 - Exercise for embodying the consciousness of NVC (& end to Warren’s Story)

26:33 - Empathy Consciousness vs. Judgment Consciousness 

29:11 - How working with youth can show us our shadows

33;34 - Positive vs Negative Judgments (Praise vs Punishment)

38:21 - Observations vs Interpretations & Hyperbolizing 

43:29 - Emotional Liberation

49:30 - How to reach deeper emotional understanding (What is empathy?)

52:42 - What does empathy NOT look like?

57:05 - Consent is alive: Consent’s place in NVC

1:00:21 - What happens when you’re trying to use NVC and then you both start misunderstanding one another and you both end up triggered?

1:02:41 - Other tools for learning & practicing NVC on your own (or with partners & friends)

1:06:02 - Live Demonstration: NVC Empathetic Listening 

1:14:05 - How do you ask to be heard, after holding space for someone else to be heard? (How to ask for what you need?)

1:17:48 - Demands, requests, and boundaries & the naming of needs

1:22:49 - Attachment Styles

1:25:10 - Another pitfall of NVC: It is not nearly as effective if you are not regularly working on your deeper wounds

1:31:34 - When is NVC NOT the answer?

1:39:31 - Other exercises for practicing NVC tools 

To contact our guest:

Facebook: Warren Hooley 

Email: [email protected] 

Connect with us on Instagram: @helluvahall

Connect with us on TikTok: @reclaimyourradiance

Email us: [email protected]

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