Do you ever feel like you are in a tough spot of which no foreseeable good can come from it?  When we are in this "place", there are two phrases that come to mind: "What was meant for evil, God will use for good" or another popular worldly expression is "Everything's Coming Up Roses". What do these really mean and how do they apply to our faith?

One key verse that references this concept: Genesis 50:​​20 “You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.” This verse provides us comfort and hope in knowing God is in control and His desire is always for our highest good.  

Be encouraged and join us this week as Catherine, Gina and Kristen take a personal look at how God uses our everyday challenges to help mold our character into His perfect vision. Get those gloves and shears out -- as we explore how Everything's Coming Up Roses!

Episode Notes:
In this episode, we refer to the below topics that were covered in more detail in these previous episodes:

Episode 20: I'm A Sheep? Say What! (A closer look at our "sheepish" characteristics why we are called Sheep in the Bible.)

Episode 25: The Power of Connection (Why we experience loneliness and how, through God’s grace, we can find connection and purpose)

We release a new episode every OTHER Wednesday -- subscribe to be notified of new releases! 

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