Are you carrying something that is hard to let go? An offense committed that is robbing you of your peace?

Whether it is releasing yourself or another from a transgression, healing and peace are found in forgiveness. The Bible refers to forgiveness a total of 121 times in both the old and new testament -- which speaks to its importance. But Why is it so important? What are the benefits of forgiveness? What is it-- and what is it not?

Join Catherine, Gina and Kristen as they tackle this critical topic and explore how this "gift"  can be a key to peace and tips on how to finally let go. 

Episode Notes:
In this episode, we refer to the below topic that was covered in more detail in this previous episode:

Loving Difficult People {Discusses HOW to love our enemies (or difficult people) in our lives as well as how to show compassion toward them. What does it really look like?}

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Be sure to go to to get the Promimses of God and to see Gina's blog on forgiveness.

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