Sometimes certain people in our lives can be difficult to love and demonstrate kindness toward. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you' (Luke 6:31) or 'Turn the other cheek' (Luke 6:29) - We may know these phrases well, but what does it really look like to show compassion and love toward difficult people in difficult situations? Even more perplexing is HOW do we do this?

Join Catherine, Gina and Kristen as they explore our natural responses to conflict as well as the historical Biblical context of the above verses which reveal restraint and generosity are a sign of strength, not weakness. 

They offer key tips that will draw us closer to God's Will (40:20 mark) as well as help us manage the destructive nature of difficult people. 

1) Have a soft answer
2a) Pray and ask for strength 
2b) Choose to love from wisdom and strength received in prayer
3) When angry, forgive
4) Exhibit grace
5) Accept that others may see you as the difficult person

Romans 12:18 - If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.

Episode Notes:
In this episode, we refer to the below topic that was covered in more detail in this previous episode:

Episode 23: In God We Trust

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