This certainly isn't one of the longest podcasts I've ever recorded, but it may very well be one of the most important.

In the first part of this show I'm going to explain the cognitive bias that is affecting you as well as the vast majority of the health and fitness industry and keeping you stuck (and what to do instead). I use examples spanning from Joe Cross' juice fasting to Dave Ramsey's debt-freedom advice to make a very important point about what is required for finding success and avoiding failure.

In the second part of the show I'm going to tell you about a brand new revolutionary eating and behavior psychology program that we just announced at Rebooted Body and how you can get in on the ground floor and be in our select group of 50 preliminary clients.

Find the new program at
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Can I recommend a guest? Absolutely. Shoot us an email and tell me who you’d like to me to interview and why. Include their contact details. Can I submit a question for the show? Yes! Email any questions to kevin [at] rebootedbody [dot] com