Previous Episode: 39: Parties Minus Overwhelm

Calling all those who are sick of their inner critic getting nasty whenever you stand up for yourself.

I am thinking of putting together a small group event. 

Interested? Email me [email protected] 

with a quick message to say you are interested.

What The Event Is About

This would be 2 x 2 hour workalong sessions in a small group, led by me, where you would create a solid plan for managing difficult conversations without feeling guilty about standing up for yourself. I plan to cover changing the narrative you have about this (from fearful to intrepid), what words to say, and how to deal with any negative reactions. 

Is this something that interests you? 

If so, please email me [email protected] and if there’s enough demand I’ll put something together in the next few weeks. 

Cheers now

harriet Morris