Do you feel like an overlooked expert? Have you ever thought, “I am great at what I do!  So, why don't more people know about me?” 

I'll be honest. I have asked myself this question and I've become a little obsessed with figuring out the answer to it. 

In my business, I am so lucky that I get to work with amazing, talented people who are experts in their field. Years of experience, finely honed skills, and the work they do with their clients is incredible. It gets results.

They are the type of people who are so damn easy to refer to because their work is so good, and they're the kind of people that I want to make sure more people know. 

But that brings me back to the question “If they are so good, so talented, so skilled, and get their clients results, why aren't they more widely known?” 

And I believe I found part of this answer, and I'm calling this the overlooked expert phenomenon.  

Let's talk about it and the three reasons why it exists. 

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Full show notes and transcript are here.