Do you ever feel like you're not marketing enough? 

You know what you should be doing, but the thought of doing it sucks the life force out of you. 

You'd much rather work with your clients or do almost anything else, including cleaning your cat's litter box, than market your business. 

 If that's you. I want you to know that you are not alone. 

I am letting you in on a recent conversation I had with two Expert Up Club members, Laura Gatsos Young and Bev Feldman, about under marketing their business, why it happens, what they're doing about it, and some of the unforeseen consequences of not getting the word out there about your business. 

In this episode we'll discuss:

The consequences of under marketing your business

How to overcome mindset barriers and procrastination in your business

Finding marketing strategies that feel authentic and comfortable

The power of consistent marketing

Repurposing content and time-saving strategies