If you scroll through social media, there are a heck of a lot of marketing experts all screaming at you about how they have the way, the proven formula that will help you book more business overnight. 

Much of that advice is conflicting, and it also leaves you feeling like you need to be everywhere on all the platforms to grow your business. 

And that's tough, especially as a solo business owner who is juggling so much client delivery, and sales, on top of all the marketing you should be doing. 

In this episode, we are doing something a little bit different. I'm sharing with you a roundtable I facilitated that brought together three experts, Diann Wingert, Pauline Wiles, and Elise Enriquez, to discuss their challenges around overmarketing, and how they are learning to do less marketing, but do it better. 

Tune in to identify where you're overdoing it when it comes to marketing and how to right-size your own marketing strategy. Because one of the insights that I had from this discussion is that overmarketing can also lead to overgiving, and that has impacts on your business. 

We'll also cover the difference between being a creator versus being a business owner and how that impacts your approach as well. Whether you need help letting go of certain tactics or just want to dial in your own strategy, this discussion provides valuable insights for you, the solo business owner, looking to streamline your efforts.

In this episode we'll discuss:

The pressures and challenges of overmarketing

How to let go of unproductive marketing strategies

The difference between being a creator vs a business owner 

Boundaries in content creation and marketing

How to find clarity in marketing and business strategies