How good are you are getting up in the morning? I reckon, that if you were threatened by sharp pointed sticks, and other weapons, you would probably be a bit better at jumping out of bed.

Today, we will discover the song that the sun sings - expressing a similar treatment, at the hands of Hashem. What is behind this strange daily ritual which is described in its song?

We have been speaking a lot about the what the days of Tammuz could have been, and how we actually experience them now. The tragedy of the smashing of the Luchos, resulted from people turning their backs on the Real Light of Hashem's Glory, in search of their own desires. 

Tenach is replete with references to people turning their back on G-d and serving idols - principally, the sun. Incredibly, in Yechezkel, we see the women crying for 'the Tammuz' - an idol associated with the sun, child sacrifice and crying - a precursor to Adonis, for those familar with Greek mythology: a god very much associated with external aesthetic beauty. Interestingly, Adonis died in Aphrodite's arms as she wept. His blood mingled with her tears (and became the anemone flower). Aphrodite declared the Adonia festival commemorating his tragic death, which was 'celebrated' by women every year in midsummer - through frying and mourning.

Today, the term Adonis is often used to refer to physical and external beauty. Do we not ourselves still serve this today? Sometimes even sacrificing our own family or friends...or even ourselves on the altar of desire. We have turned our backs on what is meaningful, preferring the fleeting, transient enjoyment of what is on offer. It looks likes light and warmth when we face it - but we have turned our backs on the real Source...It's time to turn the the tables.