'No! This cannot be - I am invincible!' Usually the last words that the incumbent evil overlord says, just before he finds out that he is not, after all, invincible. We all, to some extent, have feelings of invincibility at times in our lives. Everything is going right...and then something shatters our illusions. We can't believe how everything is turned on its head - just like that.

I think about the game of Othello in this context. You think that you are winning. One move by your opponent - and loads of your pieces are flipped - from black to white or vice versa. Just one move...and everything changed...

We have spoken previously about the 17th of Tammuz being a Yom Tov which turned into a day of mourning. Five events are described in the Mishna as being the background tragedies for all future occasions of the 17th of Tammuz...until the night turns back into day. Until the Emuna which we hold onto in the nights, turns into the bright clear day of the Final Redemption. From day to night and back again.

The most epic game of Othello...ever.