'Look. You've got it all wrong. You don't need to follow me. You don't need to follow anybody! You've got to think for yourselves. You're all individuals!'

 'Yes, we're all individuals!'

'You're all different!'

'Yes, we are all different!'

 'I'm not.'

Famous words indeed. But pretty deep. We all identify with movements, communities and ideas (I avoid any 'isms' - there is much to say about that - but for another time). How accepting are we though? 'Join the club?' A club is exclusive, even cliquey. It is also a stick - used as a weapon. Much better to be a staff member. A staff is inclusive, a team. It is also a stick - used a support. Even if you dislike Biblical Hebrew generally, you will enjoy today's foray into the parallel etymology of the stick in Hebrew, together with the name of the Sedra.

Judaism is not meant to be exclusive. It is hard to join, to be sure. But anyone can access Olam Habo and anyone had access to bring an offering to the Temple.

Loss of the Temple, was not just our loss. It was לכל העמים - for all nations. We need it back. But that will only come when we are one nation of united individuals accepting all others unconditionally.