Welcome to episode one! This podcast is released in conjunction with PHE's webinar on 3rd November 2020: Prevention & Promotion for Better Mental Health in Local Systems (COVID-19). Click for details and to register for this free event.

Stu King chats with Dr Jonathan Campion, Director for Public Mental Health & Consultant Psychiatrist at South London & Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust. Jonathan is visiting Professor of Population Mental Health at UCL & Fellow of Royal College of Psychiatrists. He is involved in development and implementation of local, national and international public mental health (PMH) strategy.

Stu and Jonathan look at Jonathan’s journey into PMH, including gathering evidence for determinants of mental disorder and wellbeing, and evidence for interventions. He has also worked in local implementation, writing guidance for needs assessments.

Turning to current PMH, they look at impacts and costs of mental disorder and wellbeing (8:37). Plus, causes and risk factors which can increase them (11:34 ), such as COVID-19, through reduced social interactions and the infection itself (13:37).

Jonathan shares examples of cost effectiveness and societal benefits of interventions, such as parental, school and workplace (21:39). However, there is an implementation gap (33:33). With a minority of those with mental disorder in UK receiving treatment, Jonathan shares causes of this gap (35.42) and actions that can narrow it (41:01).

Links to articles & resources: 

Economic case for improved coverage of PMH interventions. The Lancet Psychiatry (2018)PMH: key challenges and opportunities. BJPsych International (2018)Launch of ‘PMH: Evidence, practice and commissioning. RSPH (2019)(Navigation available here)PMH and associated opportunities. Indian Journal of Psychiatry (2020)Addressing the PMH challenge of COVID-19. The Lancet Psychiatry (2020)WPA Working Group launches PMH Briefing on COVID-19. WPA(2020)The Need for a PMH Approach to COVID-19. WSP (2020)Public Mental Health e-learning session. HEE (2020)

Thanks to BSPHN, PHE, ADPH, LGA, Centre for Mental Health, Mental Health Foundation & NIHR School for Public Health Research