I break down the mechanism of action, side effects, and important drug interactions you need to know. I give you a sense of what things you might actually encounter in practice when working with patients who take allopurinol.

Allopurinol is a top 200 drug. Remember to subscribe to the website reallifepharmacology.com for the Free 31 page PDF where I give you three highly testable pearls on the top 200 drugs.

In addition to the 31 page PDF for subscribing, you will get a free 100 question pharmacology test designed for healthcare professionals.

I hope you enjoy this episode the pharmacology of allopurinol!

I break down the mechanism of action, side effects, and important drug interactions you need to know. I give you a sense of what things you might actually encounter in practice when working with patients who take allopurinol.

Allopurinol is a top 200 drug. Remember to subscribe to the website reallifepharmacology.com for the Free 31 page PDF where I give you three highly testable pearls on the top 200 drugs.

In addition to the 31 page PDF for subscribing, you will get a free 100 question pharmacology test designed for healthcare professionals.

I hope you enjoy this episode the pharmacology of allopurinol!