In this episode I share three different ways to build your audience online - organic, paid ads and a hybrid approach. Learn simple hacks for improving your reach on Instagram and Facebook as well as what happens if you just want to throw money at ads to solve all your problems. This series is all about running Facebook ads on a small budget, so you'll hear why the hybrid approach works best if you don't have deep pockets but still want to be found by more people.

Want some easy ways to get started building your audience with content that puts you in the spotlight? Grab a copy of my book No One Wants To Buy Your Stuff

This Facebook Ads on a Small Budget Series has been shared to help you feel more informed about running ads and whether it's right for you. There's nothing worse than feeling like things aren't working, when there's some easy ways to make it "work"

Episode 39: Part 1/4 Can you run Facebook Ads on a Small Budget?  

Episode 40: Part 2/4 Three Approaching to Building Your Audience on a Budget  

Episode 41: Part 3/4 Split Testing Facebook ads on a Small Budget

Episode 42: Part 4/4 Five Common Mistakes People Make When Running Facebook Ads on a Small Budget