Just getting started with Facebook & Instagram Paid Ads? This 4 Part Series is going to help!

You might be s#@T scared that Facebook will steal all your money! I'm sharing with you an insight into how to run Facebook ads on a small budget and why you may want to consider it sooner rather than later (even if you're not ready to 'sell' right now)

In this episode I'll share with you:

What hitting Boosted Post actually does
Explanation of Traffic ads & Conversion ads
How Facebook knows who to show your ads to
The best type of ad on a Small Budget
What kind of results will you get for $10 per day in terms of link clicks & conversions
How list building now will serve you in the future
Two types of free opt-ins work best for a low budget
Why Facebook ads can be effective in comparison to other types of marketing & advertising
How to start thinking about your Facebook ads spend in a new way

This Facebook Ads on a Small Budget Series has been shared to help you feel more informed about running ads and whether it's right for you. There's nothing worse than feeling like things aren't working, when there's some easy ways to make it "work"

Episode 39: Part 1/4 Can you run Facebook Ads on a Small Budget?   

Episode 40: Part 2/4 Three Approaching to Building Your Audience on a Budget   

Episode 41: Part 3/4 Split Testing Facebook ads on a Small Budget   

Episode 42: Part 4/4 Five Common Mistakes People Make When Running Facebook Ads on a Small Budget

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