Just getting started with Facebook & Instagram Paid Ads? This 4 Part Series is going to help!

You might be s#@T scared that Facebook will steal all your money! I'm sharing with you an insight into how to run Facebook ads on a small budget and why you may want to consider it sooner rather than later (even if you're not ready to 'sell' right now)

In this episode I'll share with you:

What hitting Boosted Post actually does
Explanation of Traffic ads & Conversion ads
How Facebook knows who to show your ads to
The best type of ad on a Small Budget
What kind of results will you get for $10 per day in terms of link clicks & conversions
How list building now will serve you in the future
Two types of free opt-ins work best for a low budget
Why Facebook ads can be effective in comparison to other types of marketing & advertising
How to start thinking about your Facebook ads spend in a new way

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