Real estate scams are becoming increasingly sophisticated, preying on the unsuspecting with promises of incredible returns and unbeatable deals. From fraudulent listings, to fake investment opportunities, scammers exploit the innocence of people's minds, making it challenging to discern the genuine from the deceitful.


In an industry filled with promises and potential pitfalls, how do we protect ourselves from the scams that we can't even see? How do we arm ourselves with knowledge so that we are less likely to get scammed? How do we develop a keen eye for red flags and why should we always read the fine print?


In this episode, Alisa Glutz and I uncover hidden scams within the real estate space. We also talk about our own personal experiences with scams and how to avoid them.


You’ll also learn;

Shiny object syndrome

Protecting your credit

Trusting your gut

The different types of scams

The MV Realty scam


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