Everyone is trying to push through challenging times and ensure that we’re thriving and not just surviving. The market is always changing and pivoting and we need to be prepared to adjust to it and adapt accordingly.


How do we get new business in this changing market with technology and different types of options for lead generation? How do we create opportunities to go out and dominate?


In this episode, Realtor, coach, serial entrepreneur, and host of GSD Mode, Joshua Smith joins us to talk about exploring uncharted waters for valuable opportunities, why change is scary, and why we should simply embrace it. We also talk about action plans and creating an environment to go out and win.

You’ll also learn;

The real estate climate

What prohibits us from taking action

The significance of having routines

How to find the right motivation

Finding your way out of a rut

Guest Bio


Joshua Smith is a Realtor in Phoenix Arizona as well as a serial entrepreneur. Joshua is one of the Top Realtors in the World, running many other very successful companies. He was voted the 30th Top Realtor In America By The Wall Street Journal and is the co-owner of a Real Estate Software Company "Perfect Storm".


Joshua owns/operates the #1 real estate podcast in the Industry GSD Mode and 

successfully coaches/mentors over 1,000 realtors yearly all over the US and Canada and is part of the Top 1% of realtors worldwide.


He is married to an AMAZING Woman and has 3 EXTREMELY AWESOME Children.


Visit https://www.gsdmode.com/ 

Follow Joshua on Instagram @joshuasmithgsd

Subscribe to Joshua’s YouTube Channel @JoshuaSmithGSDMode



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