We all have our share of setbacks and unexpected challenges that can impact our future, and force us to restart and reevaluate the course of our lives.


The feeling of being backed into a corner can be overwhelming, and it’s easy to get stuck in a cycle of survival mode, but it’s possible to end up in the perfect place at the right time. What lessons can we take away from our tough times? How can we find the guts to say, "That's it, I've had enough!" and start steering our lives back on track?


Proptech founder, real estate investor and CEO of Roddy's Foreclosure Listing Service, Aaron Amuchastegui joins us and shares his story of how he went from broke to blessed, and how he is not just surviving but thriving in the real estate world.

You’ll also learn;

The foreclosure crisis

Learning things the hard way

Can fear control business outcomes?

How to make decisions for the better

The real estate business is a long game


Guest Bio


Aaron Amuchastegui is the CEO of Roddy's Foreclosure Listing Service, which trains thousands of people to buy houses on the courthouse steps. Since 2009, he has personally completed more than 1,500 deals, most of which started at live, courthouse-step foreclosure auctions and ended as fix-and-flips or rental properties. 


Aaron made his way into the real estate market in 2005. As he watched the Great Recession gut the industry from 2008-2009, Aaron discovered an opportunity to purchase and flip foreclosed homes, pioneering a business venture that quickly led to delivering millions of dollars for investors.


Now he uses that experience to help others while hosting the Real Estate Rockstars Radio podcast (realestaterockstarsnetworkl.com) and as the CEO of Roddy's Foreclosure Listing Service where they create software for real estate investors and provide foreclosure leads, and free training.


Visit https://www.aaronamuchastegui.com/ 

Visit https://www.prophawk.com/login.php 

Find Aaron on LinkedIn @Aaron Amuchastegui

Follow Aaron on Instagram @aaronamuchastegui


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