In 2024, technology is set to revolutionize the way we do business even further. It's not just about staying relevant; it's about thriving in a landscape where innovation is key. 


AI is not here to replace us but is a tool that can make our jobs easier, increase efficiency, and unlock new possibilities.


What is AI doing right now? What's coming down the pipeline in 2024, and how will it reshape our business landscape?


In this episode, Realtor and leader in the delivery of Project and Program Management solutions for Support Geeks, Michael Fielden joins us to talk about the latest AI developments, functionality, and embracing the fun and different ways technology can enhance our work.

You’ll also learn;

Should we keep making cold calls?

Moving forward with marketing

Breaking into different marketplaces

Authenticity and AI

How to get in front of people


Guest Bio


Michael Fielden is a leader in the delivery of Project and Program Management solutions for Support Geeks. He is a licensed REALTOR®. He has been actively involved in real estate, and real estate technology for over 25 years, and he has worked in a VP level role with firms of all sizes – from boutique to Top 50 brokerages.


He is happily married with two great teenagers and feels blessed for his time with family and friends. He enjoys his Bay Area community and the small business environment that it supports.


Prior to Support Geeks, he spent 14+ years at Fidelity National Financial-owned J. Rockcliff Realtors, starting as a director of technology before being promoted to Vice President of Technology. He continued to grow in leadership, ultimately assuming the role of Vice President of Technology for Christie’s International Real Estate Sereno after they acquired J. Rockcliff Realtors.


When he is not in the office, he is usually enjoying spending time with his family, enjoying his dog, Tucker, and exploring the Bay and surrounding areas.




Find Michael on LinkedIn @mfielden 

Follow Michael on Facebook @michaelcfielden  



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