
Today we are fortunate to have with us none other than Mike Steer, a self-proclaimed mortgage geek and the guru of risk management and loss mitigation for the mortgage lending community. Mike, a transplanted Texan who a number of years back took his talents to Southern California, is the co-founder and president of MQMR, an acronym for mortgage quality management and research. When Mike isn’t making a difference for the mortgage industry, providing strategic support for vendor management solutions or servicing and subservicing surveillance oversight through MQMR’s sister company Subsequent QC, he spends as much time as possible with the true passions of his life, namely “Mikey’s Angels” (i.e., his wife and high school sweetheart Vanessa and their daughters Makayla and Camila).

Episode Notes:

At 2:21, Mike Steer dives into how he makes the most of his day by balancing family, employees, clients, and building a company. At 3:39, Mike shares how he goes about getting educated through reading about the industry and business every morning and night. At 4:28, he advises that MQMR is constantly asking clients for feedback. He also touches upon creating raving fans and delivering plus one service to clients. At 5:22, Mike talks about his truth - doing the right thing and hiring smarter people that complete him. At 6:03, he believes that regulations within the industry are not going away. At 8:19, Mike confesses to being both a culprit and victim of “phubbing” and notes the importance of “turning off the phone and turning on the family.” At 9:14, he discusses teamwork, communication and execution. At 9:55, Mike shares his thoughts as to how he enjoys “building people” and challenging the MQMR team to do better. At 11:55, he expresses that he is generous through the opportunities he provides. At 12:47, Mike conveys that as a leader it is important to recognize the hard work and sacrifices of his team. At 14:00, he said, “Timing is everything. Knowing when to talk and when to listen is a critical skill set to have as a leader.” At 14:57, Mike voiced that one has to be open to change and have a sense of awareness as to disruption in the market. At 15:40, he describes how he handles rejection and how rejection helps him grow. At 18:40, Mike shares the times of his life - a semester in Spain learning Spanish, taking a program in Costa Rica, and backpacking in Southeast Asia after graduation. At 20:40, Mike Steer closes out the podcast with a message of: Don't worry, be happy, don’t outsource your energy on negative things or people, as life is too short.