Previous Episode: Episode 017: Dr. Joseph Tait
Next Episode: Episode 019: Mike Steer


It is time my friends to channel one of the many great songs by Billy Joel – namely that of “Keeping the Faith” – as today we are lucky to have with us none other than the “Queen of Retail” herself, a woman whose passion, skill set, leadership and relentless and not-so-shy nature has helped play a significant role in the revitalization of Times Square and Penn Station, as well as that of Fifth Avenue and Madison Avenue ... yes, the one and only “Ya Gotta’ Have” Faith Hope Consolo! As Chairman of the Douglas Elliman Retail Group, given her vast global and national retail knowledge, experience and business savvy, Faith continues to make a difference and be a driving force in the retail sector.


Episode Notes:

At 1:58, Faith Hope Consolo shares being one of a handful of women in the commercial real estate industry back when she first started her career in real estate. At 3:07, Faith notes the importance of getting involved in organizations because they can be stepping stones in a multitude of ways. At 4:00, she talks about going back to school at NYU, and getting a degree in real estate. At 5:40, Faith tell us about her initial training in architecture and interior design, and how this background has helped her in the retail space. At 6:43, she said, “I sat at the knee and listened” (to her senior mentors during her training years). At 8:40, Faith discusses one’s work ethic, along with the different mindsets of individuals in this industry. At 9:12, she mentions, “I get up every day likes it is the first day, no matter what happened the day before.” At 10:09, Faith dives into being a deal junkie, and why she must make the deal no matter the size and/or if it pro bono. At 12:16, she enlightens us as to how she brings unity to the communities she leases space in. At 14:35 and 15:49 respectively, Faith believes that there is enough business to go around, and if one is strong (and you know what kind of person you are), you will prevail. At 16:20, she shares that she is a ferocious reader, who likes to obtain her news in both print and online. At 17:38, Faith talks about everyone wanting to hit the homerun deal, and suggests alternatively, also to try and hit a few singles. At 19:59, she discusses women having a voice, and investing in one self. At 22:52, Faith suggests that listening skills have to be acquired. At 23:50, she notes that the industry is changing all the time, and how one must embrace all available channels (even if you dislike social media). At 27:48, Faith said, “The market moves, and we move with the market.” At 29:55, she informs that she doesn’t dwell on or beat herself up on the mistakes she has made in the past. At 33:11, Faith closes the door on the podcast with advice for those starting their careers (including the topic of putting your ego aside).