Having rapport with our clients is how we get them to know like and trust us which is the basis to make a sale.

 As an example, you have what you think is a great conversation going with a prospect and you’re thinking, this is good, we’re connecting- but are you really? Depending on your prospect’s body language they may not be as engaged as you think.

 Our guest Alexanne Stone is going to give us tips about how to look for clues to tell if your prospect is engaged and how to capture their attention and achieve that true rapport.


Alexanne Stone has been a trainer in Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP) and the TimeLine Design™ Therapy System for 30 years. Her greatest joy is to help people step into their own greatness. She does this through one-to-one therapy work, group therapy and coaching, public speaking, workshops, and certification programs in NLP from practitioner through trainer levels.

A decorated Vietnam-era U.S. Air Force veteran, Alexanne has not only maintained a private practice, but she also climbed the corporate ladder to Vice President of Global Sales through several sales positions during the early years of Silicon Valley. Alexanne’s humorous and interactive presentations leave you with new understanding and insights, about both yourself and others, long after she’s left the stage and you’ve left the room.


CONTACT                                                                                Alexanne Stone - NLP & Body Language Trainer
Mobile 775-391-2231
Website:   email: [email protected]

MY CONTACT                                       [email protected]      

MY GIFT                                                                                    Transform Any Home Into a Dream HOME Home                          A guide with lots of ideas and cost estimates for the transformation.

MY BOOKS                                                                          “Homeowner's Guide to Stress-Free Remodeling”

“Real Estate Investing for Women: Expert Conversations to Increase Wealth and Happiness the Blissful Way” - Compiled by Moneeka Sawyer

“Teach What You Know” - Compiled by Alina Vincent

All available on Amazon