Our guest Justin Pogue shares his tips that will be great information for your investors who hold residential rental properties.

He points out important items to be aware of when purchasing a rental property and what to look for in the property’s proforma.  Many items are usually not included and he suggests checking out many things that play into the property’s value.


Justin Pogue is the founder of Rental Secrets, an author and real estate consultant based in San Jose, CA. His services are sought after by property management companies, investors, and real estate consulting companies alike.

FOX News, The Mercury News, Realtor.com, and ApartmentTherapy.com have all featured his insights for the benefit of their audiences. He got his start in real estate by purchasing properties on the Lands Available list in the state of Florida. Since 2003, he has developed and managed apartments and rental homes across the United States. Justin holds a degree in Economics from The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, as well as an MBA from The Darden School at the University of Virginia.


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Social Media Handles

Twitter: @RentalSecret

LinkedIn: @justincpogue

Instagram: @rentalsecrets

Facebook: @rentalsecrets

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbjtsWkEfSuTI4EhE6Jp0Dg



 Rental Secrets     rentalsecrets.net

You can get Apartment Search Secrets for free at RentalSecrets.net. While written from the renter's perspective, the 10 tips it contains can help investors properly market their rental properties.



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