If you haven't been following this show, we've been on this little kick lately. And what we've been chatting about mainly has been running your business as a business not being a salesperson, just chasing your next check. You have to realize that you're running an entrepreneurial business and you are the business you are the brand. And that means you're running a damn business. If not, you're just a salesperson. We're gonna talk about how entrepreneurs really run their business as they spend more time setting up systems and things in their business, they could work on their business and not in it.

So if you feel like you're just being ran around by clients, you don't have enough time in the day, today's guest is for you. He's in charge of the book, work the system. This dude knows what he's doing. Josh Fonger is the CEO of WTS Enterprises, based on the best-selling business book written by Sam Carpenter (you can find a free version of it right here. Work the System’s mission is to help entrepreneurs get out of the day-to-day of their business by managing their systems. (Naturally, financial growth and freedom follows.) To accomplish this business mission they focus heavily on training and certifying consultants in the WTS Method so that they can make the largest impact worldwide with our coaching and consulting services.

Three Things You’ll Learn in This EpisodeHow to make more and work lessWhat step you are currently atHow to help owners/entrepreneurs fix their life expenses by getting control over their systems


Work The System

Real Estate Marketing Dude

The Listing Advocate (Earn more listings!)

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So how do you attract new business, you constantly don't have to chase it. Hi, I'm Mike Cuevas to real estate marketing. And this podcast is all about building a strong personal brand people have come to know, like trust and most importantly, refer. But remember, it is not their job to remember what you do for a living. It's your job to remind them. Let's get started. What's up ladies and gentlemen, welcome another episode of the real estate marketing dude, podcast. It is 2022. If you haven't been following this show, we've been on this little kick lately. And what we've been chatting about mainly has been running your business as a business not being a salesperson, just chasing your next check. Unfortunately, in the real estate space, whether you're a lender and investor or real estate broker, that's just what happens. You have to realize that you're running an entrepreneurial business and you are the business you are the brand. And that means you're running a damn business. If not, you're just a salesperson. So what we're gonna do today is because it's the beginning of the year, because it's 2022, we're gonna talk about how entrepreneurs really run their business as they spend more time setting up systems and things in their business, they could work on their business and not in it. So if you feel like you're just being ran around by clients, you don't have enough time in the day, this episode's gonna be for you. He has, he's in charge of the book, work the system. This dude knows what he's doing. And without further ado, we're gonna let him tell you all about it. Josh fungerer. Ladies and gentlemen, why don't you go ahead and introduce yourself, Josh, and tell everybody a little bit about yourself, we'll get right into this interview.

Sounds great. Glad to be here. Thanks, Mike. Yep, Josh bunker. And those, I don't know if you guys have this on video or not. But I'm only have a book called work the system, what I do is take the methodology in that book, and help his owners entrepreneurs fix their life expenses by getting control over their systems. And ultimately, that allows them to make more and work less, which is what most entrepreneurs would like to do. And we kind of free up their their mind space as well.

In the real estate industry, we all get into this business, because we think we're gonna work less and control our hours, but fucking nothing is further from the truth. You get in the business. And if you get busy, you have no life. And it's a major problem within it. So I think everyone here is going to really appreciate what you have to say, sorry, I'm going to cut you off.

No, that's great. Yeah, I've worked a lot of folks in in real estate, whether it's investors or realtors, or developers and home flippers, or you name it, anyone who's doing any kind of work ultimately has things that they do every day, every week, every month. And our whole goal is to help them see the separate pieces that make up their lives. And then realize those can be made from organic, which means you're just doing it by the seed your pants, just reacting to mechanical, you can mechanize those things. And it starts with a shift of the way you see your work. But then once you see your work differently, you can start to take those separate pieces and get some help along the way. I'm sure a lot of people who listen to this have some assistance or some part timers people that they that they use, and how to really expand that help and duplicate what you do. And ultimately, it's allow you to buy more houses, sell more houses do do more of what you already doing, you just gonna be able to expand that. But

so many of us are control freaks, I'm guilty of this I guy, I'm the guilty, I'm your ideal client. The, you know, no one could do it as good as I can. Or, and honestly, I've been you guys, I've been going through this shit for the last three years, no BS, like I've had a road from hell building these businesses. And I've lost family time. I've suffered time with my wife. No doubt, and I have no problem sharing that with you guys. But I've also learned a lot about business throughout this last three to four years of my transformation out here to San Diego. And what I've learned a lot is what my business partners have taught me and working on the business. I'm an operator. I'm not a business owner. That's one realization I came to this year, it's very hard to go from operator to business owner by by mindset, I'm just an operator, I like being in the fucking grind, like get in the trenches. And I'm a control freak. I don't like giving up stuff because I don't know if anyone could do it quite as well as me and I think a lot of people that are entrepreneurial are in that position. Which is what real estate agents and lenders are. So how do you is it fair to say that's the first step?

Yeah, it definitely is. The first step is to is realize where you are you are self employed operator, right? And it's a build, they like to stay in that phase. And that's fine just to stay in that fight phase but you're, you're going to hit a wall, right? We call it the plateau and whatever that plateau is maybe that's making, I don't know, 100 grand a year, 200 grand a year, whatever that plateau is. You're going to be able to raise the plateau a little bit if you work more hours and your pipes gonna go down if you work less hours, but you're just gonna hover there, we call it a yo yo business, basically, you're going to be there. And if you get sick or you have family issues, it's gonna go down. And then if you you know, have less responsibilities at home, you're going to go up, but you're not going to go anywhere. At the end of your life, what you built will just be a job, and you can't sell it, you can't expand it, and some people are fine with that. And if that's you, then you know what we're going to talk about the rest of today, maybe you won't be that helpful. But for those who want to go beyond that, there is a way and it is a different way of working.

You're right on the money with that. But God I'll use myself, as an example here you guys is that when you will hit a plateau, you can only do so much. You won't grow your business by yourself. There is no I in team. And no, I get to the next level like and we're talking about running a business like not just being the average agent, you wait, you sell fucking 50 houses a year, congratulations, I'm talking about selling 150 houses a year 300 houses a year, becoming literally local celebrity building a brand in your market that requires business. And there's no way that anyone in the top ranks right now, regardless of what profession you're in, does this without what I think you're about to share with us. But at least the vast majority unless you're freakin Superman, but let's be honest, we're human beings. We have feelings, we have needs and whatnot, and it's very difficult. Let's start off with how you sort of walk us through how we work the system here, if you will, and let's start off with that. Like, how do you and I'm just gonna act like how do you? I feel like this is a question. But how do you know what to give up and what not to give up? This is something I personally struggled with. Because ultimately, the biggest thing is you got your business you're running, there's a million things going on. You're the CEO, CFO, accountant, CPA, you name it, you're wearing every hat. Where does it make sense? I think one of the hardest things people has is I have to pay someone for that. What do they decide? And how do you help people overcome that? Because that's the control factor, I think is just was hard for me at least Yeah.

Oh, yeah, definitely. And I think that's a really important step. It was usually a few steps before that. And the reason why is to handoff. So whatever you're doing right now, and entrepreneurial people, especially in real estate has a lot of ways to make money in real estate. But people who are entrepreneurial in that space, they, they there's so much in their head and in their instincts and in their experience, that they know how to make success out of all sorts of random situations. And so they they've lived that for so many years that you had to hand over what you're doing right now, or even pieces of it, the next person you handed over to is going to drop the ball, they're going to screw it up, they're going to miss the context, they're going to miss the opportunity, they're going to botch it. And so even before you can start handing things off, is you need to do, you know, sit out, sit alone for a minute and really think, okay, of the 10 different ways I make money in real estate, what is the piece that is the most scalable, that is the most efficient, that is the most simple, that really I could build a team around. And that could be duplicated, because maybe it's not everything that you do, but there's probably certain pieces. And that's the part that you want to really think through and make a business out of, and we call the document, you write a strategic objective, because if you if you do that, then you know, okay, there's, again, a lot of ways to make money real estate, but the business I want to build is going to be Gatineau flipping houses that are in the, you know, starter houses that are under $300,000 a year, or said that would be much in San Diego, but you know, whatever, whatever the range is gonna park in space. Yeah. And so you you pick, you pick exactly the kind of housing type, you pick the exact area, you pick the exact buying type, you pick the exact, you know, all the different pieces, and you really simplify it taking this, this buying group this product this way, you know, marketing this way, and like this is the plan. And then, and then you can start bringing people on. Because both people want to do a good job, they just don't know how to, they don't know what a good job looks like. And they don't come with 20 years experience. It's not their business, they learn how dedicated and so you you have to say hey, it's a very simple thing, I need you to move this from point A to point B, I need you to to pound a real estate sign in the grass. Can you do that you dig the hole, put that in there. And yeah, someone can do that. And so the more you first have a simple strategy, then you can have simple processes and then you can bring in people to do simple things. And if those people come and go, which they do, then you can bring someone else on to do the same thing because you've you've mechanize a simplifies the pieces of your business and allow yourself to do the things that are more gray area decision making more complex. There's a lot of nuance, there's those there is you want to stay in, but you want that that piece your business to shrink, right. So right now most entrepreneurial real estate folks, everything is gray, everything has context, everything has nuance, but you want that part of your life to shrink over time, the more that can shrink, the more your business that's scalable, can can grow. And that's ultimately what you want to do. I'll say, I have a client that I had years ago actually in Guam, so we do coaching and consulting, and they buy our products and, and one of them was a realtor, right. And so she was a realtor in Guam, and she focused on selling houses and the whole island of Guam. I'd never been there before. But then she realized that her key bind type was people in the military people were coming there, you know, to be there for a few years. And they were leaving years later. And like, this was her core thing. And then she realized that there was a certain kind of house that they wanted. And then she realized that they were mainly buying houses or searching for houses, out of state or out of country, like there were somewhere else looking. And so she said, You know what, I'm just going to do social media posts, specific to this kind of buying group. And she just became the face the brand, she's very bubbly. And then she had her agents, she built up a team of agents, who just did this one type of house for this one type of buyer, who had this one type of situation where they'd be there for a while, and they would leave and they had, you know, a spouse, and one kid or whatever that might be kind of in that life range. And that was a business very simple, build a team around it, and didn't have to do all of the real estate, commercial, industrial, you know, every other kind of real estate, you know, storage rentals, renovations, she just did her thing. And that's what allowed it to be simple, profitable, easy, and ultimately more, more fun, because she could do what she likes to do, which was kind of be out there and be the face, but not actually handling the client work or the paperwork, or the, you know, the headaches that go into it.

It's one of the one of my favorite books I've read in the last few years has been The One Thing by Gary Keller. And he talks a lot about that, like, pick out one thing you do well, so let's put this in the context for a couple of the agents out there or even it'll say your mortgage broker be really good at FHA loans. Now, I agree with this, I believe that when you're really good and your niche or your niche, however you want to say it, I think that is when you actually sell more and do more. I think when you the problem I think you have in real estate, because you're right, you're saying you're hitting on the DoD guys, this is really good. You might want to play this back. But what he's saying is that what are you trying to resonate, and you become the jack of all trades, you master zero. And when that occurs, you end up losing other opportunities. And if you were just to narrow down on a niche, so let's play this through on a couple different aspects. Why do real estate investors never have a listing problem? Like in any market, like real estate investors are always flipping houses. But then you have in this market right now, where inventory is very tight, regardless of where you're at in the country, you can't get a real estate agent can't get a listing if they bought one. But Riis investors are picking up properties for pennies on the dollar easily. It's because they do one thing very successfully, they focus on motivated sellers, distressed assets, and they put their cash offer in front of them over and over and over again until someone raises their hands and therefore they eventually find a property to buy. So what does that for you, you guys, realtors go out there and then they buy leads over here, then they go out and buy a software they never use, then they go out and invest in some coaching system they never take the lessons to and then they go out over here and then they go to this and this is every freaking you guys are a bunch of squirrels is what the problem is? Well, Heidi personality, like me, I'm like one of the worst of it. But how often you see that? Is that pretty common?

Oh, yeah, well, and I think that people who are in sales, like realtors, it's even more common, the more you're in a sales environment, perfect face to face sales. The skill sets that you need to be really successful making connection and making these deals happen is like the opposite skill set that you need to build a business. To build a business, you have to be someone who can just sit quietly, and see the separate pieces and document their systems and be more of a you know, behind the scenes engineer than somebody who's really good on the spot. And I think that that's hard. And if you don't, if that's not your personality type, then you can know that but still know that's a key part of your business that you're lacking. And so maybe you need to bring out someone who's an operations manager. But they wouldn't have to be full time to begin with. They could help you with the operations. They could help you get those pieces dialed in they could help you line up a sequence for you. Because I mean I mean a lot people in sales and that's just not their their way of living. But they know they want it and I don't I don't say don't don't become something you're not just understand the importance of it and try it bring someone on, you make a few more sales, and then use that money to invest in your business, you're not gonna invest your time at least to invest your money in your business, and don't invest in coaching yourself to be something that you're not. I think that's because I've tried, I've tried a lot of people, you know, to make them into that kind of a project engineer, and they hear it, they think about it, they like it, but they don't do it. And I've gotten more to the point where we know what, that's really not you then find somebody who is like that, who really likes to cross the t's and dot the i's, they really like to build these separate systems, and bring them on board. And oftentimes, you have to pay those people very much. I mean, they, they really like to be behind the scenes and, and help you put those pieces together. And then you're gonna find that, again, scalability happens then.

So basically, list all the stuff you hate, or you're not good at, that you have to do to get by with your business, make a list of that, outsource it, figure out how to outsource it, whether it's a VA, or maybe you hire someone in house, you hire what we call slash I'm going to give you a little bit everything. But that's what we're seeing here. Yeah.

Yeah, well, but again, the first thing is, we call. So there's different methodologies into the first step to ours is systems mindset, mindset shift a strategic objective operating principles, general principles. And then after that, yeah, just like you said, it's breaking apart your business in terms of what I would do with business owners is to help them first see what what they're doing. And so it's pretty tedious, but actually writing down every single thing you do throughout the day, and do that for three days. And you're going to see, most of what you do is pretty remedial work, most of what you do, wouldn't have to happen. If you're driving out to properties to take pictures, maybe you're, you know, I don't know listing things online where someone else could list it, maybe you're doing various things that you wouldn't really have to do. And, and once you have that list that it's about, who can either do this, or doesn't need to happen at all. So automating that, delegating it, deleting it, oftentimes, a lot of what people are doing doesn't even need to happen at all, or it's the wrong thing. They're putting something that would be really great once their business was in order, but they just need to put some things in order first. And so you know, stop doing that thing for six months, and just build a few infrastructure elements first. And I think you put a good point out there in terms of the people you bring on board. In some cases, you want us an expert to do a thing, like I have a bookkeeper who just, you know, does my books, she doesn't do 10 different things. And she sends out invoices, she does the books, she prepares the things to give us my account, my counter says taxes. That's the one thing that they do. So there are some you know, I've got a guy who does video editing, he just does video editing. He's great at video editing, I'm not going to have him also do sales calls like he just does the one thing that you want to have some of those you know hired guns on your team, especially as you're growing.

There's there's gonna be a specialization and then there's going to be the nuanced stuff that's like must do but someone can take care of a lot of this stuff, especially transactionally in the transactional business. Yeah, did you guys hear what he said? He's just said if you need to outsource your video editing, that's exactly what we do you guys. That means if you need to script that industry, but your videos you contact a real estate marketing dude, because that is about money making activity. Anyways, edit, take that plug real quick. So yeah, it makes a lot of sense. There's a lot, a lot, a lot, a lot, a lot of stuff to unpack there. Alright. I go through I figure out what I'm doing because it is also if you're running a business, you're good at something like if you're at this stage, right? So identifying what that is and what cannot be duplicatable was one of the things I figured out early on I'm like what can I do that no one else can buy that I can't hire out. Right for realtor a lot of that's gonna be the face time the one on one go in there and close a dam appointment. You don't need to be the one to show up and take the damn photos with the photographer that's a waste of time you don't need to be the one putting up the lockbox that's a complete waste of time. If you're a lender, you don't need to be the one taking in the paperwork. That's a complete waste of time you need to get them on the phone you're pretty face in front of them, make them feel secure and then hire out all those tedious type tasks. And yeah, what does that mean you have more time to create content more time to spend with your family more time to I don't know do whatever the hell you want go on fucking vacation who cares? Live life but it makes a lot of sense. I'm living in it right now everything that he's saying is right on you guys and I've made the shift in like literally 12 months 1218 months I would say doesn't happen overnight though does it?

No it doesn't it that's why we like get people to write some things down so that they can hold themselves accountable to actually sticking with the plan that came up with because as you know, there's always that next deal that comes in the door and it takes you off track and you're like well I've been really focused on this this housing type but then you know this multi multifamily you know, unit came in, so I'm gonna get You know, spend my a spinner wheels with this for next two months. And so you have to really be eventually discipline to stay in that line. And the other piece about really doing what you're really good at Mike is, eventually, you become so good at that you can start charging premium prices, you can start to really raise the rate of what you you are personally worth at doing what you do, because you don't do hire things. You just do three things. And so I you know, and that depends on different industries. I don't really know how much of a premium you can put on your pricing in real estate, but

I think quite a bit. Let's play it out. I'm gonna be two different examples. Well, you live in Hawaii, right. What's the town you live in the city again?

I live in Kelowna. So Kawhi is the island. Yeah, so

Kawhi is the island. But Hawaii is a bunch of different islands. So there's a difference between a Hawaii real estate agent and then one that specializes just on that island? Yep. Yeah, like the one who's just on that island is going to demand a higher rate than the one that's not there. And the thing that I think too, in real estate is that we often be like, Oh, my God, people often don't care as much about price, as I think we put an emphasis on and I think that goes for any business. There's a reason why Ritz Carlton exists and Holiday Inn. It's just based upon the experience, there's gonna be a market for both you guys, and you have to realize that it's one of the biggest questions when a realtor what's happening in the industry right now is there's a lot of we call it commission compression. There's a lot of outside forces, trying to remove the Commission's there's a lot of outside forces trying to remove Realtors from the equation. Do a travel agent reboot, if you will. But and that's where a lot of this in the industry is a lot of agents having to do things differently having to reposition themselves having to rebrand themselves. And it's what you're saying is right on because I the whole message of the show you guys, you guys got to own one you got you got to do one thing with your personal brand very, very well.

Right? Yeah, totally. And I and, and as you probably know, from talking to me, I work a lot of industries, hundreds of them. So I don't know much about real estate. But I know that I had a client years ago who owned a fleet of taxis, right? It was in the taxi, it's like, maybe eight years ago, nine years ago. And we all know what's what's happened to that industry, right with Uber and Lyft, and all that stuff. And at the time, you know, everyone kind of wore his his fleet, the different different colored cars, different clothing that his drivers wore, they would say different things, the brand wasn't really tight, they had some repeat clients, they had some private clients, they had some, you know, high end, low end, you know, will be at the airport, they're all different things. I said, you can see what's coming with technology and what's happening and, and you're really gonna have to be, you know, clear on what your brand is, I mean, and we came up with this whole plan, which was going to be you know, really higher end cars, it was going to be private clients, it's going to be clients who wanted consistency, they wanted to get to know you, they were going to be your personal drivers. And really just focus on that don't Don't be the generic, Uber Lippard just coming up then. And, you know, he just didn't, he didn't go didn't go for it. He said, Well, you know, I've been a miss out in the airport, I'm gonna miss out on this, I'm gonna miss out of that. And my drivers don't want to all wear a uniform, and they don't all want to be consistent. So the people didn't want to be consistent on his team. And therefore he just diluted and never heard from the guy again, I'm sure he's out of business, he's probably probably he's probably an Uber driver right now. And I think, like you said, it probably happening exactly the same in real estate. Not that I follow it closely. But if all of the low end people who want the cheapest people who want who are fine using an app or using a website to find their own house, and they're really trying to cut the commission down i'll be trying to be at the highest and you know, very specific, very custom very unique, you know, know, know your market know your niche, know your, what, you're the best ad in the world in terms of helping in this particular industry, and then charge a premium. And don't be ashamed about it. Like yeah, I help people find houses that have Olympic sized swimming pools that are near the ocean or whatever. And that's what I do. If you want Olympic sized swimming pool, I know where all the Maranta it costs extra 10 grand, I don't know, I mean that here's

the hardest part of that is that when you do make the shift, guys, this is what happens. The hardest part about making it is that there will be an opportunity that doesn't fit your new narrative that you have to turn down. It'll be a short term loss for a long term game, though you have to realize that Yeah, and just like the scenario here would be like, Okay, let's just say I'm in San Diego I only focus on coastal properties. So that means I'm west of the five you know, the market or their you know what that is? I'd focus just on the west of the five but let's just say I get a listing 20 miles inland. I got to say no to that listing, because what we're saying while I build my brand going west of the five because over the long term, if you play your cards right you fully commit You'll win out. But in the short term, you might lose out in that little than that one deal that you just took inland. So you have to discuss and figure out what that is for you. And be willing to do it is the hardest part

is there's two things, you also wanna think about what then I totally agree with you, Mike. One of them is, if you're consistently getting work that's outside the bubble you've defined, find other partners, friends, referrals that you can send out and get paid something for, you know, I used to this kind of work, but I don't anymore, I give it to give it to Rick. Okay, at least I'm gonna get 1000 bucks or whatever, I'm gonna get some fee, but I can keep my head straight. That's one way to do it. And the other way to do it, and this is what I do as a consultant, is I do one thing, I help people, you know, shift from being, you know, self employed business owners to being true business owners kind of help them make that shift using a methodology. But if somebody comes to me and says, Josh, I love your podcast, I love I want to work with you. I mean, I'm working on this startup, and we're doing whatever, you know, can you work with me? And I'm really intrigued by it, I will just raise my fees dramatically. And I'll say, You know what, it's going to be $10,000 a day. I'm just throwing a number out there. But I'm happy to work with you just $10,000 a day. And if he's like, sounds great. Let's do it. Like, Oh, okay. Well, you know, so. So it's more of a not saying no to opportunities, but you just raising your rates, because it takes you off of your key business. And I think that helps people during the transition period, as well, as they're not saying no, they're just saying, you know, my time is worth this, it's going to be a distraction, it's gonna take me off course, I'm going to put a high dollar fee onto that. If it happens, I'll do it. But if it doesn't happen, I'm okay with that, too. I did that with a speaking event. I don't I don't do keynote speaking. If you're watching this, you probably know, I'm not that dynamic of a person. And so I those persons, like I want you to speak at our annual event, it's going to be so important. And I'm like, Well, I don't really do that. It's not part of our business plan. It's not really

a perfect example. Like, would most people be like, I speak in a keynote I'm in. But you're like, so disciplined that you know, your lane.

Yeah. And it's not scalable. It's not going to be I can't use my team to do it. I have to travel. This

is my team to give a keynote. That's funny.

So it's a, so I said, Okay, so how long is it? It's, it's an hour to $5,000. Okay. He Said, She Said, sounds good. You know, and like, Okay, well, I guess I'll, you know, do my standard by standard stick for five grand and that'll go horrible. Call it a day, but but it's not something I want to do every day. But then I can take that money and invest in things that are scalable, that don't require me to be here. And so that's, that's, I think, mentality that you want to have. But like you said, it doesn't happen in a day you have to be disciplined. I'm personally not discipline. I mean, I that's something that I was just talking to, you know, Sam, the author of the book is that that's 2020 to be more disciplined. That's and entrepreneurs have a hard time with that. Yeah.

No doubt. Well, this has been awesome. Closing notes, closing thoughts, guys. The one thing that you have to own in the real estate business is your network, your database, anyone who you know, basically your Facebook list because 88% of business is going to come from the people that are just around you that either know you personally met you they referred to you or you have worked with them in the past. That's where business comes from in real estate. So if you're gonna own one thing on your damn database, on your social media accounts, and make sure every single person you know knows what the hell you do, and if you need help doing that, we would love to help you script edit and distribute your video content. Josh, why don't you go ahead and tell people how they can find you read the book, check out his stuff, you guys it's been this is while we always talk about making money and all the glamour shitter real estate buying nice cars and all of that you don't get there unless you do this first. So look this guy up. And Josh, go ahead and tell them how they can find you.

Sure, yeah, could a WT s enterprises calm and there, you can get a copy of the book, the book summary. So if you don't wanna read the whole book, which I recommend you get the book summary there for free other business resources and all we do is help people like you scale their business with with this methodology. So coaching consulting done for you services, and if you want something else, maybe you want to ship your business, I trained consultants so I train and certify consultants in this method because I can't do all the work and tons of work out there. So if you ever want to make career change or be consultant, let me know and happy to talk about that.

Love it man. Appreciate it appreciate you guys listen another episode of the real estate marketing dude podcast. Like I said before, if you need help building your personal brand and you want to do it with video, the only time it doesn't work is when people don't like you. But that's nothing we can help you with. So, but if you do need help scripting and editing and doing all those non money making activities we just chatted about, quit thinking about it and get on the computer on your phone and scheduling demo with the real estate marketing dude right now. Appreciate you guys follow us on social keep relieving the remarks leaving the comments and the reviews. We love you. See you guys next week. Peace out. Bye. Thank you for watching another episode of the real estate marketing dude podcast. If you need help with video or finding out what your brand is, visit our website at WWW dot real estate marketing do.com We make branding video content creation simple and do everything for you. So if you have any additional questions, visit the site, download the training, and then schedule a time to speak with a dude and get you rolling in your local marketplace. Thanks for watching another episode of the podcast. We'll see you next time.