So you’ve got a pile of leads from a variety of sources and levels of readiness to make a purchase. How do you convert them into customers? What channels do you use? How long do you wait to respond? We are answering all these questions and more on today’s episode with Jessie Beadoin, CEO and Founder of is a lead engagement platform that lets you personalize your messages to prospective customers on a whole new level.

Nowadays most leads are coming through online, and we are living in a mobile-friendly world. It is time for our engagement with leads to catch up to technology! And no matter how many leads you may acquire across all your channels, the key to conversion is in the right follow up technique. That’s where Jessie’s software comes into play. Through quick response and personalized messages, we can engage with our customers and make a good first impression. Jessie and I go into more detail about the types of inquiry messages realtors typically will receive, and the differences between a daytime vs. nighttime inquiry. Jessie keys me in on what the average response time should be for the initial outreach, as well as the follow up after response. By defining what the customer’s need might be, and how pressing the need currently is, we can clearly lay out a path to converting them into a customer.

Realtors need not focus first on establishing the trust or touting their expertise, but rather simply making the connection. First impressions are everything! By meeting the customer’s expectation through rapid response time and personable communication, you are establishing the first level of trust with your customer. In this episode, Jessie and I share some great tips to increasing the quality of your leads, and the proper follow up to boost the chances of converting the lead.

Today’s Topics:

What is CallAction.coTypical lead time between inquiry and actual purchaseWhat is lost when we communicate online vs. in personAre scripts bad?Magic response times for first touch and follow upBiggest frustration for customers with how realtors follow up

Resources Mentioned

Customer Obsessed: A Whole Company Appoach to Delivering Exceptional Customer Experiences by Eric Berridge

Tested Advertising Methods by John Caples

 Connect With Jessie Beaudoin:



Phone: 323-741-2255

Learn More About Jessie Beaudoin:

Real Estate Presentation on Impact Of Mobile Technology

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