Welcome to the second training on video marketing and building your brand with video. What we're going to be talking about in this particular training is going to be how to script, distribute, and multipurpose your video content. If you did not watch the prior video, we spoke all about your video strategy and how important it is to dial in to the right one for you and why we're doing it to begin with. Watch that before you watch this one. So as long as you have, then we're going to go and get right on into it.

Everything you do in real estate is content, whether it's listings you're taking, the case studies you're creating or clients you're serving, even just pictures you're sharing on social media, of really, really cool stuff, or it's blogs, or writing or videos we're creating. Everything you do is content and once you realize that everything you do is content you start realizing that the content you're going to create is going to be much like your own little HGTV series. Let's dive into that today!

Three Things You’ll Learn in This EpisodeHow to make content creation easyThe importance of authenticity The best brand building tool


Real Estate Marketing Dude

The Listing Advocate (Earn more listings!)

REMD on YouTube

REMD on Instagram


So how do you attract new business, you constantly don't have to chase it. Hi, I'm Mike way ambassador, real estate marketing. This podcast is all about building a strong personal brand people have come to know, like trust and most importantly, refer. But remember, it is not their job to remember what you do for a living, it's your job to remind them, let's get started.

What's up everybody, and welcome to the second training on video marketing and building your brand with video. And what we're going to be talking about in this particular training is going to be how to script distribute and multipurpose your video content. But if you did not watch the prior video, we spoke all about your video strategy and how to and how important it is to dial in the right one for you and why we're doing it to begin with. Watch that before you watch this one. So as long as you have, then we're going to go and get right on into it. So what we're really talking about folks is content creation, and we're going to go a little bit deeper than we did in the previous training. And everything you do in real estate is content, whether it's listings you're taking, whether your case studies you're creating or clients you're serving, or it's just pictures you're sharing on social media, of really, really cool stuff, or it's blogs, or writing or videos we're creating, like what we're talking about here, where you're creating neighborhood videos or other community information. Everything you do is content, small business owner interviews, it doesn't matter. And once you realize that everything you do is content. And you start realizing that the content you're going to create is going to be much like your own little HGTV series, right like last week, we talked about creating a show. And if you look at any of these shows on HGTV, they've already done a lot of the work for us. They've showed us what the appetite is for what people want to see on television. And because there's a whole damn channel dedicated to our profession, I don't understand why we overthink this so much the content creation should be really easy. And it is, but content creation around your personal brand, is what you want to dial in. Because that's ultimately what people are going to remember. So, you know, the reason why the first training we created this, this show is because it's just like we're creating an HGTV show, if you have a show, what is the purpose of it. And that's going to determine the content that you create and how you create it many times, because you're simply just the host. And these videos are not about you. You don't need to sell people all the time on real estate or mortgage or whatever side of the business you're in. But it is your job to remind them that you exist. So when you create a show, every time you're publishing or you're creating content, or you're distributing your content, it doesn't matter. Every single video people see will remind people that you're in real estate, so you don't necessarily have to hit him over the head with your calculator or your lockbox. So look at the content, you have an excuse to market your database and attract people just like you. That's exactly why we dialed in the content strategy. You know, we spoke about it briefly. Last week, you know, you have to be doing stuff that you're excited about doing if I started doing a bunch of cooking videos, it's not going to be that authentic, and therefore nobody's going to watch them. So the key is really figuring out what kind of content are you excited to create that you can see yourself doing long term and over time. Because once you nail that this should be fun, then the key is you do not want to make your content boring, you want to make it authentic. So where most people start is what kind of videos am I going to create? This is the biggest holdup? What do I say? How do I say it I'm too fat. I don't like the way I look or whatever it may be. But it's so important that once you define your strategy, first, you'll know how to communicate through your brand. That's the key of having a brand. You cannot build a brand without creating a bunch of content all around it. It doesn't go the other way around. Someone who's not creating content and not in communication with anyone and no one knows exists doesn't have a brand. But someone who's consistently creating content on a consistent basis, put it in front of a bunch of people that are responding and engaging with it. Well, you start to build one. So we'd like to build the show and then create content for the show because the show will determine how you create videos and they'll identify a way for you to find video styles that you like, so that you can run with it. Video is not lead generation and that's what you want to get out of your head at least in the way we're explaining it. I can create videos for leads. And I can do call to action videos and we do if you visit my site, you'll be retargeted with a few of them. But

it's a brand building tool. That's what we're using it for in the real estate industry. It's a referral based business. So we have to stay in communication with With our audience with our database with our people that are responsible for sending us referrals, repeat business and doing business with us in the future. That's what we're doing it for. Because if you stop talking to your significant other, what's going to happen, you're going to get a divorce, and they're going to cheat on you, when you stop talking to your database, the same damn things gonna happen. And you want to approach your video marketing campaign no differently than you would like direct mail farming. Direct Mail, farming has been around since the dinosaurs ruled the earth and how it works. I've done so many different podcasts with people all over the place. And I could tell you straight up, everyone has the same stats. And typically how a direct mail how farming campaign works with direct mail is, you know, you pick an area $200 $500, whatever it may be. And after year one, you spend a direct mail piece to that neighborhood and it shows up on their doorstep every single month. Year one, you might get one to two listings, your two, you'll see five to seven, your three, it starts going seven plus maybe 1012. And the reason why that occurs is because the people who live in that neighborhood, when you keep showing up and communicating with them. Over time, they start to realize and say, hey, that's that real estate guy. That's his neighborhood, he knows this neighborhood more than anything, then they start seeing your face and they start seeing your other content, they start seeing you in a grocery store. And it's consistent communication that makes the farming campaign work. Well, we're doing the exact same thing with video. But the only thing that's different with video is whom we're targeting, I would much rather target my database, my friends, family, aunts, uncles, anyone that has ability to do or, or refer me business. And that's going to come from the relationships you have in life. However, if you're farming a camp if you're farming a market, or if you could still farm with video. So you know, look at your audiences, like we spoke about last week, the primary audience is always going to be the people that know like trust and love you first and foremost. But my point is on this slide here is that if I did direct mail for, you know, 15 months, and I decided to take four months off, did I just screw up the previous whole campaign, probably, that's how important consistency is. And you'll never be consistent with video, if you're not excited about your process, or what you're creating content on, you'll push it off, you'll kick the can down the road, like so many other people do. That's why that first training was so important. So what we're going to do is walk you through a bunch of different types of videos. And then you can see what, what, uh, what they sort of look like. Now, I believe the sound is going to come on out here. And what we're gonna do here is walk you through just a couple different videos, and I'll sort of let it play in the background when we talk through it. But this is a case study, right? So how much house can I afford case study, this is a mortgage broker and a real estate agent teamed up together. And they created a case study on a client that they both helped out. And they just basically walk through the scenario, as you see right here step by step. They're in the Denver market. And oftentimes one of the things that

I can't stand personally with real estate agents is when they are always posting just listed just sold. It's it's not cool to brag about how much money you made. But it is cool to tell story about the people you served. So I just challenge you to if you thought about how much more attention would your brand get if you started saying, hey, this 45 year old single dad just got his daughter her first own bedroom and guess what they're owning, and his payments $300 less than it was when he was renting. Here's how that's called a case study. So you can create case studies and get testimonials on video, you can just tell the story. But there's so many different types of case studies that you can go out there and create. See a case study is nothing more than what every HGTV show is. Except those case studies are about 30 to 60 minutes long, their full out productions, we're doing the exact same thing, but anywhere between a four to seven minute video in this exact case. So what they're doing here is just walking people through just exactly how they created and backed into a monthly payment and helped out one of their clients and how they qualified and all of that. So it's very important that this could this style video could apply anytime you have a really cool story to tell. Right? And it's just an easy way to go off and do it. Now, as we go through these different videos, I'm going to give you the pros and cons of each of them. So these videos will have pros and cons to them. But regardless of what you're creating, everything's going out to your database and we're going to cover the distribution part. But you're always going to post content and make sure everyone that you know sees it. Then you're going to multipurpose it to other places and we're going to cover that but for this time type of video the pros and cons are, these are really easy to create, you know, you're just telling me the story that you got paid on essentially right? So you know it very well. Contents very easy to script, you could shoot these at a house, you can shoot these on a green screen, you can shoot these at your desk, the key is having the story and having the right, you know, format for it so that people understand it. And people follow it. It's very good for authority, it's good for conversion content, I love case studies, I'm like review pages on websites, very effective for that. And just think about when you hire a service, a lot of times one of the most visited pages on your site, at least mine is, is my reviews pages, because people before they schedule a demo with us for to interview us for their video marketing. They're also looking for to make sure what other people say about us. So for a case study the way you multipurpose this content down the road, it's good for core content, it's good for conversion content and our social proof. But don't expect a ton of views on YouTube. You know, if your whole strategy for video marketing is going to be I want to blow up my YouTube channel. Well, this is probably not the right type of video to do. Unless you have some really interesting things like dead bodies under houses. Really crazy, like ghosts in a house like that. Unless it's something compelling like that. Chances are you're probably not going to get a big YouTube following on that. So these are the different things you sort of weigh out when you're looking at, okay, why am I creating content? What's the purpose of the content I'm creating? Am I doing it to build a brand? Or am I doing it to attract new clients? But it doesn't? There's so many different ways that go that answer will be different for everybody. So let's check out another video right here. This is an agent Orlando. Orlando, colorful neighborhoods. You're ready, let's roll. So he has a series called touring for and then it named brand of his team, as you see on screen right here is the Rockstar home team makes sense for Rockstar to have a series called touring for, because that's what rock stars do. But because we've developed and identified what the strategy is everything he does will be on tour home tours, neighborhood tours, bar tours, music venue tours, it doesn't matter the themes been created. But he'll never run out of things to say, No, I love doing neighborhood videos, I love being on site. There's a lot of benefits to doing these types of videos. But there's also some pros and cons to them. So what we're going to do is walk you through exactly what all of those pros and cons are. So pros and cons for neighborhood tours now. So one of the best videos, you can absolutely do, no doubt. They can do really good on YouTube, if you keyword it correctly, and you cover a neighborhood that gets a lot of love and views. Well yeah, you could get 1000s of views on this. And on Facebook, people like these two people like seeing the tour, they like the personality to come out. So they do extremely well on both YouTube and Facebook in terms of engagement.

Definitely one of the best videos to do. But the negative part about a neighborhood tour is it takes the most amount of time to create unfortunately, that's why we don't get enough of them from any of our clients. Because you're that video, you're going to go on the neighborhood, you're going to go on site, you're going to take us on a like a walking tour going to show us around different aspects. Now you can also create these videos in studio and in in, even on a green screen. But you got to have the footage or the B roll of the neighborhood to pull it off. So there's a lot of ways you can shoot these and get them done. It's all just based on comfort level but no doubt neighborhood tours neighborhood community videos are definitely one of the best videos you can do. Next one you see here is business owner interview. So

my name is Melissa DeSantis with exp Realty and welcome to another episode of mama three to find a one show that focuses on everything. And

so in this case, this is a business owner interview, you guys have probably seen some agents that have done business owner interviews. Now, this has another very specific strategy. I see these work differently in different markets. The key is what are the right business owners interviews to do for you. The show you're looking at right here is called mommoth. redefined. And obviously this is a pop up business and the Christmas season. So they redefine what they offer there. It makes a lot of sense to be on brand. But this is also the whole local celebrity strategy, right. You might have heard that term used in many trainings or from other trainers. They're teaching a lot of the same stuff that we do. But business owner interviews are great for brand. The key is to make sure you do the right ones. If you recall from the first training, we walked you through a couple different shows. Couple different you know show concepts. And if you're going to do businesses, well make sure they're on brand is on my only advice. So for example, if you were a military brand, make sure you do veteran owned businesses. If your brand is based on you being a parent or a mom or dad, make sure you interview kid friendly restaurants or kid friendly businesses or parent friendly businesses, if your whole brand is based on being a single bachelor, and all you do is Chase women, well, you know what type of content you're gonna create the nightlife, the nightclubs, the bars, and all of that. You see, what business owners you'll create interviews on are going to be based upon what your brand is. Remember, the videos you create, enhance your brand. That's what we're after right here. So once you dial in the show, you could see what type of businesses that you would cover, or that your brand would cover. That's the key for doing the entire damn thing and not running out of content to say, a very popular show that you may not may know of diners, drives and drives with Guy Ferrari. That's a food show. Okay, a lot of people have seen it on the Food Network. But what kind of food is he covering, he's covering very specific niche of food. He's not interviewing five star Michelin restaurants, he's going after the grease pits of America and hangover food for dudes. So it's very on brand for him. So you got to figure out what that is for you. So let's go through some of the pros and cons. Again, it's the local celebrity strategy. Really good on Facebook, just don't do boring businesses, like don't go out there and interview a mortgage broker, it's way too boring, or home inspector or an attorney, those things are just so boring, people don't watch them as much. But when you interview restaurants, or pop up events, or places people generally go for social or have fun, you get a lot better engagement, and you want to create the content on new places that open up in your community, or equally as the staples of your community. We've seen some clients get up to 10,000 views on Facebook, for business owner interview, and it's because community supports community. Alright. Now, if your goal is to blow up your YouTube channel, don't expect to do it with business owner interviews, that's just typically not the type of interview video that is going to get 10s of 1000s of views and just turn into a ton of business. It's just not the way that it works. I love the strategy for database nurturing, right? I love it for networking with future referral sources. See the business owners are just future referral sources. And when people say you want to attract your like client, well, you're creating content on businesses you support because you agree with their positioning. So of course, you're going to attract the same type of client because you're creating television commercials for future referrals. That's what these business owners do. They share the living daylights out of these videos, and they get you more eyeballs for you. So lots of good stuff with it. Just make sure like I said earlier, you keep it interesting. So let's go ahead and look at another type of video strategy, which is based around YouTube.

So today, I'm going to share with you that good, no windy

Welcome to the newest.

So Stan is a mortgage broker. And he just moved to Wyoming, Cheyenne, Wyoming. And Isn't anyone there doesn't have a database. So it makes a lot of sense for him to go after YouTube clients. The name of his show is called why not? Like why not Wyoming. And everything around the content that he's going to create is going to be based to rank on YouTube. He's creating content that people search for on YouTube. And he wants to generate relocation clients which he will this strategy literally, he's already got 1000 over 1000 views on a couple different videos. And if you want to see you could just go to YouTube and type in living in Cheyenne, Wyoming. And you should see him pop up first right there and see all the videos he's created. He's only been creating content for like a month. But his goal is very specific. Right? He's looking for lead generation. So there's a very specific type of video that series he'll be running with. So let's go through some of the pros and cons on this. This strategy you may or may not have seen before, but as a couple people teaching it, we script that and distribute these videos for different people around the country to and I can tell you exactly what to create 99.9% of the leads that come off of these videos will be buyer relocations. And the reason for that is because when people are moving relocating one they're not being referred to anyone. And two, they're trying to get a visual cue of the What the hell's going on in that neighborhood. I'm across the country five years ago, and I found myself on YouTube, exploring what California and San Diego looks like and all of that, because I wanted to see what their real estate looked like, I want to see what the strip looked like on the beaches look like. So it's the same exact thing here, you want to do the exact same thing, you're creating a lot of content that is very community focused cost of living in top three neighborhoods in where to live in, you know, and you're doing this for a specific strategy. Now, I do love the strategy because I think if you get there first, and if your markets not that competitive, you could generate there's there's agents that are crushing it, and lenders are crushing it on the strategy, we have people there closing every month, multiple clients from this. So it's very, very effective. And the thing though, with it is that it's not the most fun, not fun, fun content to create. A lot of it will feel repetitive, you know, pros and cons of living in Encinitas, California. And sonidos, good, bad and ugly, moving in soon, it isn't the eight things you need to know. So the content, a lot of it will feel a little repetitive, but you're playing a different game, you're playing an SEO game, you're trying to generate clientele, from YouTube, in the strategies out of the bag, there's so many of these different videos that you can create, but they're all going to be focused around living in or moving to, or neighborhoods in, or tours work really good. With this as well. So it does feel a little bit repetitive. Now, these videos we see is that when a client's post them up on Facebook, and you're not sharing the YouTube link, so I'm not saying share the YouTube link on Facebook, you upload the video organically. They don't generally get as many comments as say, like a neighborhood tour or business owner interview would. But they're gonna outperform on YouTube all the time. Right. So we have a lot of people like to start with this strategy. But again, regardless of how we're putting videos on YouTube, but all of them on YouTube, you always multipurpose your content on YouTube, why not? But how it performs on YouTube will be totally different. It's all about what what type of content you're creating, and how you want it to perform. When you multipurpose it all the content goes in front of your database. But how multipurpose it is will change. The strategy won't be available pretty much in every single market. If your market is competitive, there's a lot of agents already creating this content, expect an uphill battle, you might never get to the top and get those results. But if you're in a market where no one's doing it, how, you know, I would do it in a heartbeat. If you have if you don't have a large population, don't expect 2000 200,000 views. You know, it's all based upon search, and then competition. But the strategy is very effective.

So you're thinking about moving to the San Antonio area look for someone to give you the bottom line of what it's really like, well we excuse me for a second real estate cycles.

So obviously, this guy likes to have a little bit of fun. He's hilarious. He's very funny on video. And he's creating real estate content, but he's doing it in a funny way. And this is the 15 buyer commandments not to do. So he's having a good time with it. He does a lot of green screen stuff. He's always dressing up in character, and real estate content you can have fun with but you can also keep it very professional, you don't have to do anything superduper crazy with it either. But there are pros and cons of real estate content. The type of content I'm talking about are going to be the closing costs, you know, city name closing costs, how to buy and sell at the same time, the home seller marketing plan, how to determine your budget, how to pick the right neighborhood, stuff like that your core content that you would give and say a listing presentation or a buyer's presentation. So let's go through the pros and cons of Korean real estate content. It's going to be the least engaged content you're going to get typically, unless you're doing stuff like that. Usually it's get the least amount of comments least amount of views on YouTube and Facebook most real estate content on YouTube doesn't show okay. The type of process like content I guess, don't expect your channel to blow up. Just getting out there and talking about real estate isn't gonna make you the next YouTube celebrity. In my opinion. It's a very hard battle you got to create people content that people are going to be searching for. However, it's really good for conversion and authority. This is the core content that's on your site. We have a lot of people create and even on our site, we created a buyer Learning Center, a seller Learning Center, a va Learning Center. Each of these learning centers have different videos within them a five to six videos per thing per Learning Center. And all of them are there just to educate. So this is the type of car to use over and over again, you send the clients when you're in conversation. So you use it as conversion, you can also use it on ads. And you only got to create this kind of stuff once, but it definitely you want to have this up on your site, I think is the most effective place to multipurpose it. Don't expect a ton to perform off of your YouTube channel. If that's the goal, that's not the right strategy more than likely, but again, doesn't mean you don't put it in front of your database as well. So point being is that those are five of the most common types of videos people do. But there's plenty more you could be doing react videos, you can be doing, like real estate, what you get for the money videos, you could be doing blooper videos, there's no shortage of content to create. But you'll get an idea off of how that part works. So what we're going to do now is focus on how you script for a little bit, and then we're going to get into content distribution. And then we'll get this training wrapped up. Because the next question we always get as well, how am I going to script all of this different type of content like, this is crazy, I can't script all this stuff who's gonna write these for me? Well, truth is, is that I'm just going to walk you through the basics of scripting, and show you sort of how it works. But you probably already know how to do this is the truth. And when you're creating content, and you're building a show, in this way, your your scripts are going to have a format to them. Remember, we're not selling your stuff. But every video is going to have the same components to it. And it's much like how you would write a letter or how you would write a book report or an essay even. And I want you to go back to the time and think and remember back when you're in school. And when you're in school. Your teacher. If I was writing a letter, my attention getter was dear Mike or Dear to whomever was addressed for right? Well, attention letter attention getter in a video is going to be if you want to blank and blank and blank and blank. Okay? If you really want to get the biggest bang for your buck, you got to do it in this neighborhood right here.

Facebook came out with a stat it said 74% of people will decide to watch your video not in the first, you know, seven seconds. So the last thing I like doing a video said Hi, I'm Mike Cuevas and I've been in the business for years. Click, I'm gone. You got to get the attention. Tell me what's in it for me. Make it interesting, right? These are the biggest blueberries in all of California. Great. Don't need it short and sweet. But every video has an attention getter. Every video will also have an introduction. Tell me what I'm watching and give me a preview why it's important. An introduction to a letter would be Hey, I'm writing to you because I think blank blank blank in my name is blank. And I wanted to give you a couple reasons why I wanted to blank blank, blank. It's an introduction, right? In a video, I would say hey, what's up guys, it's Mike Cuevas with another episode of North County vibes. And what we're going to be doing today is I'm going to show you one of the best places in North County to get a burger. Now if you like burgers, you're going to see that in San Diego, there's not a ton of amazing burger places everyone hears all fit and doesn't like to eat like me. But that doesn't mean they don't exist, you just need to know where to go. What we're going to do here show you one of the best kept secrets and all here and go inside and check it out right now. Got that's an intro right? So every video will have an introduction. Alright, now the body of your video is going to be the core content of your supporting arguments. If you think back to the time when people were when you're in school, remember your teachers would say Alright, give me three supporting arguments to your essay or give me five reasons why that's the body. That's your core content. So if I'm creating content on a neighborhood, I'm focusing on those four body points or three points of the body I'm making maybe seen one is alright, so I want to show you exactly why people love live in this neighborhood. And right there is the very cute downtown. That is the number one reason see where I'm standing is just a couple minutes away from where I'm going to show you a most beautiful houses. But did you know that there's over 12 different restaurants, outfits, a shopping, public transportation and just about everything you're gonna want to do right here. Right? So the body would have a breakdown of the core arguments of your point, right? Every video is going to have them. They support why you're there. If you're doing a tour, you're breaking down your tour in the body. If you're doing a business owner interview, you're doing your questions, you're showing them how they make their food in the kitchen, then you're tasting their food. If you're doing a piece of real estate content, you're given all the reasons and education of why this is important. And then eventually at the end you're going to get to an outro Alright, so hope that helps if you have any additional questions you need help doing this you can reach me my contact information is blink blink blink blink. Make sure you subscribe to my channel look at some of my other videos on my site. Thank you so much for calling real estate dude. I'll see you on the next episode. Peace out short sweet to the point but you're still gonna have an outro the video doesn't just stop. But if you look at this, it's attention getter, Intro body outro, attention getter, Intro body outro, tension getter, intro, body outro, that outline, you can write any script you want. The key is, what's your content can be. That's why you create a show. So if you guys have more questions on this, feel free to message me on the site, you can send me some messages, I'm social, we have hundreds and hundreds of these scripts, we cater to different types of videos. But in general, they all have the same thing in common. And that's what it is. So the key here is that, regardless of what you're going to script, every video is going to go in front of your database, every video is going to go in front of people that have the ability to do business with you or refer business to you, or repeat business back with you. But you're going to Multi Purpose them for lead generation and brand. Every single one think long term, not short, every one of your videos will live on your YouTube channel forever, they live on your website forever. Look at YouTube as a search engine, because that's exactly what it is. Your website host videos forever, I highly recommend a site that you own, that doesn't have a huge monthly fee. Because once you start creating content, it's going to live there for the entirety of your brand's existence. longer lasting impressions leads to more referrals, it definitely leads to more repeat business and think of all of your content creation as a library of content down the road that you can get to repurpose on my site, I have a video on every single page. That's not anything more than that connect with people. That's my number one goal, that's the only thing I want it there. If I want to connect, I want you to build trust, I want to see if we're the right fit. And if we are great, let's do business together. But if not, that's okay, too, I'm gonna do that not everyone's gonna get along with me.

It's how it works, folks. So let's bracket let's break down the distribution, sort of step by step. And we'll get this training wrapped up because what we're not doing is just creating videos and let them die in a news feed. And then people forget about them in three days, if you're going to invest in video content, marketing, content creation, need to maximize and distribute and distribute these videos, so you get the most amount of mileage out of them. So first thing we always recommend doing is video emailing your videos to your database, get rid of the market updates, get rid of the turn back the clocks and other crap content, start creating content that people actually want to see. With video email, we get way higher open rates, we average over 40% most cases, which is very high, it's a lot higher than national average. But it's for two reasons. One, we're not sending out crap content. And two, we're sending it to the right people. What we're not doing is spamming an email list of people, we have no idea who they are. But what we are doing is nurturing a database of people that know like trust and love us that all have the ability to refer do business with us. Again, if you're doing two videos a year or a month, I mean, you that for 12 months in a year, two videos a month, over 12 months 24 A year to that same list, which will grow over time, will you do more business because 10 to 15% of people on that list are moving, but 100% of them have a referral for you? The answer is absolutely. For your social platforms. You're going to distribute your videos on all your social platforms, and upload each organically. So if you're on Instagram, then put your videos on Instagram. If you're not an Instagram, then don't put them on Instagram. If you're on Facebook, put your videos on Facebook. But if you're not on Facebook, don't put them on Facebook. If you're on Pinterest, put your videos on Pinterest, put your videos also on your business page, but upload both organically. The point being is that anywhere that you're on social media 10 to 15% of the people who see your video content are moving and 100% of them have a referral for you. Those are the two numbers I want to ingrain in your heads. Because once you start chasing attention, that's when attraction occurs. When you upload these videos to your social platform, you're always gonna upload them or Ganic Lee, don't share the YouTube link on social media on Facebook, take the video and upload it organically. You'll get more mileage traditionally on the platforms. A couple things to look out for Tik Tok and reels on Facebook short form content, something that's coming up excuse me your website. So highly recommend put all the content back in your website I like to create take every video and turn it into a blog post. So I like to put the video on top of my page on the site. And then I like to take the do a little bit of a write up or some blog content to put down below it because you want to multipurpose every thing and over time your content on your site will grow same concept though, the agent that has a lender that has 24 videos on their site page on every site, well, they're going to convert a lot more website leads than the one that doesn't have a site or doesn't have any video content on the site. So you want to just make sure you multipurpose there. People don't go to your website to look up real estate for sale, in my opinion, they're going to your website to see if they trust no and can exceed themselves get in a car with you, while they look at houses for the next unforeseeable future. That's the truth, folks. So become more marketable, multipurpose, that content, put it back on your website, because that's where people will ultimately visit you at. And last, but not least, everything should go on YouTube, but not everything is going to perform on YouTube. What you're seeing here is a gentleman in Palm Springs that does very well on YouTube. But look at all of his videos are very community centric. So he's created a lot of YouTube related content. He's following a YouTube strategy. And every video will go on YouTube, but not every video will perform on YouTube. So just something you want to think about. Before you start your strategy, why am I doing this YouTube part of my game or not, and adjust accordingly. So every video I put on YouTube.

Now, how YouTube works is, I hinted at it a little bit earlier, but I wanted to show this to you guys for a little bit is that the only type of content that we've seen, perform really well is going to be living in or moving in, living in or moving in. So in that case, you see living in Las Vegas moving to Las Vegas, people are typing in these different words. And those are typically for whatever reason that YouTube tells us to put up. So you always you don't create content for YouTube that you think is cool, you create content that people search for. Alright, so right here you can see living in Las Vegas moving to Las Vegas, relocating to Las Vegas, right? So it's very, very important to do your homework ahead of time. But YouTube's a search engine. Alright, so there's so many different types of these videos, I just want to give you a quick screenshot. The pros and cons of living in city name the cost of living in city name. Living in San Diego versus living in Encinitas, new construction in Southern California, the top three neighborhoods live in downtown San Diego, the top three neighborhoods to live in North County, San Diego, the top three neighborhoods to live in South San Diego, the good, the bad, the ugly of living in San Diego, top three things to do when living in San Diego. Relocating moving all this type of content, when you're if YouTube becomes sure your strategy, you want to maximize it, and you just need to know how to upload and optimize it. But most importantly, create the right videos that people search for. And that's the key with YouTube. It's not rocket science, but there's a process to it. And then one other thing I highly recommend is run ads. I'm huge on running ads to your database, your customer to a database, your custom audiences, your retargeting audiences. So I love running ads to people who visited my website, I love running ads to people that have engaged with me in the past. I love running ads to people I'm connected with on my pages. And then I love running ads to a custom audience of cell phones and email addresses. They always pencil. And the truth is the Facebook algorithms right now, your business page, you're going to get less than a 5% reach your personal page, you can get 15 to 18% from the last Facebook expert on my on the podcast I had on and because of that not everyone's seen your stuff. So I like running ads to the rest of the audiences that so I could get more reach, the more attention you have, the more attraction that will occur. So one this on what's the ROI? So people always ask me, how do you measure video, remember, and yesterday's training is not advertising. Its marketing and attraction and branding. So what you're going to see is that it's hard to it's very hard to find out what the ROI is, but this is the best way to look at it. And most people I tell is like, unless you're trying to break your YouTube channel, and some people will publish more, but realistically, I think how much time you have and how much can you really pull off? If you could do two a month for over a year's time that would equate 24 pieces of content or 24 videos 24 Everything. Okay? Now, this the key is you got to take the cost of those videos, how much is all that content going to cost you because there's probably gonna be cost you outsource editing. Now there's companies like ours that exist that can do editing and distribution and everything. But and I don't know what those costs will be. But I'll tell you what ours are ours would be $13,000 over the course of a 12 month timeframe. Now typically you want to look at okay, how much real estate do I have? To sell, to break even typically, that's in our numbers. Again, this is just a formula, you could break these down and just plug in your numbers, but at our numbers 650,000 to two and a half percent is about a break even point. So the question becomes, if you had 24 videos Video emailed to your database, posted on all your social profiles placed on your site optimized on your channel, and you ran ads to, could you sell more than $650,000 a real estate or whatever that number would be? And then you can answer the question about is the ROI going to be beneficial. The only time folks I've seen video not work is when people don't like you. But if that's the case, you're in the wrong damn business. Look at the big picture when you're building a brand. Because you don't build a brand with strangers, you build a brand based upon relationships, because the strangers eventually communicate back and you have to do it over time through consistent communication. So I love taking on a multi prong approach and I love incorporating direct mail. But let's just look at the big picture. Let's just say I had a database, a list of past clients, friends, family, aunts, uncles, waiting list, if you will,

of people and I hit them with direct mail once a month. Let's say I had a and out of that, let's say 150 People, I'm sending them a postcard a month 10 to 15% of our moving 100% of mark every fall for me. I'm doing two videos a month, video, email those videos out to to another list, it's probably gonna have 150 250 people on it. Then I'm posting all those videos to social media and then I'm running ads to the rest of my custom audiences on social media. This is what attraction is, but you got to keep consistent with it. Because it's nothing more than a big game of attention. So I really hope that helped clear up distribution scripting we have a lot of other content feel free to visit us on our website. But we really appreciate you guys taking the training and watching the whole four step a class we have going on here with a brand face and if there's any questions that you have that you may need help with, or you need any assistance with please feel free to visit us or follow us on our social channels. Real estate marketing do.com That's real estate marketing dude.com Have a great day. Thanks for watching. Thank you for watching another episode of the real estate marketing dude podcast. If you need help with video or finding out what your brand is, visit our website at WWW dot real estate marketing do.com We make branding and video content creation simple and do everything for you. So if you have any additional questions, visit the site, download the training, and then schedule a time to speak with the dude and get you rolling in your local marketplace. Thanks for watching another episode of the podcast. We'll see you next time.