Why are you helping everyone else make money and then not doing it yourself? An area that people struggle in a lot is investing, and that is exactly what we're going to be talking about today. More specifically we'll be talking about making money in land sales.

Today we have on an expert guest, Brent Bowers. He has a company called land sharks, and he's going to walk us through how the fuck we split land, how we sell land, what the fuck we do with land. Over the last seven years, Brent has been able to build a business that generates upwards of $50,000 – PER MONTH – in passive income. So, let's hear what the expert has to say!

Three Things You’ll Learn in This EpisodeWhat land sales is and why they matterHow to generate a passive incomeThe risks of flipping and how to avoid them


Learn more about Brent & His Business

Real Estate Marketing Dude

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What's up, ladies and gentlemen, welcome. Another episode of the real estate marketing dude, podcast folks we're gonna be chatting about today is doing things different. It's what we chat about in every single episode that we have here. And when we're gonna talk about doing things different, we're going to talk about investing differently. I get a message we get a lot of people asked to be on the show. And we turn most of them down unless they actually have somebody that like is superduper. Interesting. And who we got today is that we often hear, and just a couple of weeks ago, we actually had a show on how agents are going to plan their retirement. And then what are you gonna do when you think about retiring? We had a show a couple weeks ago, again, that said, Hey, why aren't you investing? Why are you helping everyone else make money and then you're not fucking doing it yourself. So one of the biggest struggles and what I'm excited about today is that this is an area like I used to dabble a lot in investing, and I'm trying to get back into it, to be honest with you. One of the areas I never knew how to make money in was land sales. Like how do you make money on vacant land? There's no income producing, what are you going to rent parking spaces? How do you do it? You subdivide it. And it's just a topic that a lot of people don't traditionally talk about. But today we have on an expert guest this is all this dude does. He does land sales. He has a company called land sharks, and he's going to walk us through how the fuck we split land, how we sell land, what the fuck we do with land. And we're going to learn all about land sales. Agents, listen to me. If you are not adapting an investor friendly mindset, you are going to be losing business, it's period. Just real estate license only gives you the permission to legally collect money, it doesn't earn anyone's business, the more knowledgeable you are on different facets of business, whether you're investing whether you're cash flowing, or you're helping the traditional residential home buyer or seller. The more skills you have, the more you get paid. And if you want to get paid in the future, you need those skills. So without further ado, let's go ahead and introduce our guest, Mr. Brent Bowers. Brent, what is up, dude?

Hey, Mike, you know, I'm really excited to be on here. I know, when we first jumped on, I was like, What the heck, this came on my calendar. What is it now? I'm really excited. I love the energy, like you're good at what you do, sir. Thank you. So I'm fired up ready to go to talk to some real estate agents and some investors and lenders. You know, when I was a realtor, I remember like, it was a constant treadmill of deals. And after I got that, that person that are home or or sold that person's home, or I was even driving tenants around back in 2008, when I was a real estate agent, a real estate agent, but it was a it was a transaction treadmill, I like to do stuff that I get paid for a very long time on, you know, sometimes 30 years. That's my preferred method. So that kind of changed. My mindset changed a little bit because I worked we worked our butts off, as well. I used to work my butt off as a real estate agent.

Yeah, it's nonstop. It's the peaks and valleys and you're up and down. Stressful every month, a new month. It feels like fucking Groundhog's Day. I mean, it really does. If you guys have ever watched that movie, you wake up like Oh, shit, this transaction goes and you get another pain. Yes client and you guess what, you just do it over and over again. But a lot of real estate agents start off in that position. And then they venture off into different things. Like I ended up as a fucking marketing dude. You know, I sold real estate for 18 years did a lot of short sale, investing and all that. And there's different avenues that a lot of people or industry move on to because they let's be honest, they burn out in the real estate industry. Tell them a little bit about where you're at. And then I want to get into about how you got into lead. So you were a real estate agent, but give him your name. Tell them a little bit about your first and then let's get into that.

Yeah, I bought my first Well, I got my real estate license in 2007. I actually thought I needed a real estate license to be a good investor because I was like, I'm gonna get all the deals as they come across my desk. Well, one of my sister agents listed a house and I put an offer on it. I thought that's what we were supposed to do. Because I was gonna be an investor. So I put the offer on it. They accept it. I need the earnest money deposit and this is 2007 I wasn't like rolling Joe, I had a lawn and landscape company and I went to get my real estate license and got it took me three times it passed that freakin test by the way, that stuff is hard. And I had to borrow the earnest money deposit from my grandma. And I got paid a commission to buy the house, which is I mean, I got paid to buy real estate, you hear about that in the seminars, you go to right? And rented it out. And then 2008 kicked my butt by 2009 to join the military because I wanted to go back to school kind of start something new. I got got in my head that I like, why can I Why should I be able to be a success in real estate? Everyone else is failing at it right now. So I got that in my head. And I quit. join the military. I'm in Afghanistan before I know it, and then back for a year and then back to Afghanistan. And they pulled me out to send me to college in 2013. Well, I still had that real estate bug that itch the entrepreneurship edge. You know, I was renting a house from a guy. And it was beautiful from the outside, but the inside it's just like stunk like cat pee, because he'd never changed the litter box. Sure. I was like, This guy is renting a house for me. I'm paying him $550 A month. I'm sure his mortgage is like 800 I'm gonna do this myself. I'm going to buy a house next to the college and rent out three of the rooms and make money. I didn't realize it's called House hacking. I'll

say I can Yeah. I love it. Thank you for your service. First off, we appreciate that. Every day, especially nowadays, with all the craziness going on. In 2009 Were you like, getting your ass kicked by the market? Like fuck it. I'm gonna go to the military because I don't I was gonna go on because at that time the world was burning.

Got it, Mike. I was getting my butt kicked every day. It was so bad. I went from owning a business, a real estate license. I have a rental property. I'm married. Yeah. And I had to move in with my in laws because we couldn't afford our rent anymore. Because we moved over to the coast and I'm now humbled. I'm starting to think like, I suck I need to do something with my life. So I did I joined the military got really humbled when I went in as an E one getting paid nothing. And I was like doing little extra things in basic training like making the beds and pulling Fire guard and just making a little extra money here and there to send to pay, you know, my back debts like I was I owed money. So 2013 Things are on the rise again. And I got some equity pretty I bought the house at a really good price. I pulled out the equity with a VA streamline bought another rental use sweat equity to build that rented it out. And now it's time to move to Colorado. So I basically bought a house there for us to live in me and my wife and then bought a triplex with the equity from the other properties. But one thing I found out was like buying all these rentals with value add needing fix up, you go in debt pretty quickly. Like I've now maxed out all these credit cards and Home Depot card and student I used student loans to fix up houses by the way.

Yeah. Gotta do what you got to do, man. Yeah.

So I'm like, Okay, there's got to be a better way. So I start Wholesaling Houses, like getting them under contract at a discount and then selling the contract. Well, the problem with that was you had to spend time with these sellers and figure out what the problem was and solve it. I'm an Army officer, I'm working like 13 hour days. And I was still searching for answers listening to podcasts like you know, the the marketing dude like this stuff like this, like searching for answers. I heard a guy doing land and I was like, No one does land. I'm driving by land every single day and I don't realize a way to make money on it. And I heard of what he was doing. And I was like, You know what, I'm avoiding mailing the lands. So I started mailing the land. Immediately. I was mailing the tax delinquent list, the county held tax lien lists all the list. And I just blasted out 680 postcards, got a bunch of phone calls, did two deals within two weeks. Each one netted me a little over 4500. And I was hooked. Interesting where we are today.

Yeah, I bet you and if you guys aren't, like haven't chased motivated sellers before most people will go target. You know, you pull up tax records, and you look for distress points, whether it's financial constraints are whatever it may be, right. But nobody fucking mails the landowners, unless you're a developer, right? So like, but traditionally these people are getting if you if you know the space, these people get bombarded by everybody trying to buy their house. So whether you're an app if you're an absentee owner right now, you're getting a mailing piece a month, no doubt because that's that's whatever, that's whatever. Yeah, that's what everybody does at least one but you're probably getting one from like four different people, especially if you're like in Phoenix or Florida, or some of these crazy markets right now. But yeah, that's interesting, because direct mail you guys are still the number one way to reach a lot of people because it'll get 100% deliverability rate you're you can't say that for any other form of communication or channel to reach and it's tangible so people see it just but really quickly as well. I mean, guess what's on the card. I'm guessing the postcard said, hey, I'll buy your piece of land.

You got It's like, Hey, my name is Brent. If you'd like a fair cash offer for your land, call me.

You don't have to get super creative because everyone's always like, what's the content on the cards? If I'm going to direct mail be what's the contents like knowing dude, you gotta realize you cut right to the chase. Hey, I want to buy your shit. You're interested call me. Here's my fucking cell phone number dude, you know, like, like, and then the more unprofessional works, the better that usually the stuff on direct mail works. Alright, so what

are what happened? I might use that. That's amazing, actually. And it's handwritten is Oh, yeah, three, three and a half by five, like the cheapest card you can get. Um, so the first one, I had no clue what I was getting into. It was two lots on the side of a mountain looking at, you know, the Pikes Peak National Forest and Palmer lake. So me and my wife drive down there with our newborn baby, and I'm like, this is beautiful land. And guess what the seller told me he's like, look, it's yours for $285 Take it off my hands. And this guy was no dummy. He was a CPA retired. He's like, I traded this like 10 years ago. I'm ready to be done. Like get it off my hands. You already $5 You bought the land for you got it, Mike. Got it. So I'm like, Okay, I'm second guessing myself. So we drove down there. I'm like, holy cow. So we found that it wasn't buildable. Because there's only one ingress egress. The firefighters won't let you build because like they can get pinned down. And the city is not letting them build a road over the railroad tracks. So I call the first real estate office. I see. I'm like, if anybody knows it's gonna be the real estate office right down the road. Well, long story short, that realtor ended up making an offer on it. On the spot, basically, I was like, hey, what's the blowout price? How can I get rid of this for on the MLS? Can you list it? She's like, maybe 10 grand. And she goes gave me the whole backstory of that area. Like she was educated on it on a Saturday to this woman is a rockstar. So she called I hung up with her. I thanked her for a time I said, I'll let you know when I own it. So you can list it. She calls me back within like five minutes and says, Hey, Brent, what if I bought it from you? She offered me five grand for it. And she said I can close in a few days. I was like, please send the contract deal. So I paid the seller on Tuesday got my $5,000 Check on Wednesday, it was that quick. And I'm like there's no way this could be that easy. And did another one a week later. And that same scenario. Very similar, not accessible, not buildable surrounded by if you notice I'm talking about like very inefficient land here when I'm starting out. And no one has ever mailed these guys. So that's why they're like, just take it like this one was 500 bucks, almost five acres surrounded by a state land which is a beautiful area. I put it on Craigslist bought on Saturday for 500 Put it on Craigslist that night, sold it on Sunday for $500 down, I got my investment back out of the property. And then $400 a month, and I now had passive income. My paradigm shifted. Because of this time I'm ready to go the military. I have a wife, a brand new baby, and I want to be home more often. Sure. Um, because I was always gone, always deployed, always training and that's not good on a marriage. And I'm missing my son. Yeah, um, so that gave me $400 A month it paid my truck payment and I was like I told my wife I was like, if we can just keep doing this. If we do this 12 times that will cover our entire outgoing each month that's that's gonna give us magistrate resilience.

You're holding the paper, you're calling around selling it and you're holding paper and people are paying you back. Yes, sir. Love it. Wow. All right. So let me I got a couple questions. I know a couple of people in New treadmills. Like what the book Bub used to lose $400 Alright, so let's start through and just look at land in general. So overall, is a strategy here, that you guys have been using or you've been using is, is you find people who want to sell land, they're probably gonna do a little bit of a discount, and you just turn around and bring it to someone who's more knowledgeable in the area, and then they sell it. Or is because it's cheap land like what how, what are the price points? Like what do you shy away from? Are you only buying land in the hundreds of dollars range? That makes a lot of sense to me, cuz there's probably a lot of those. Or are you buying land like, Are you searching land for 300,000? You're looking lots and all that stuff. So where does it started? What type of land because like in real estate, we could go condos or we could buy townhomes we could go single family homes, we go multifamily. So what type of land deals do you go after them today,

I target the entire county because here's the thing. The ones I stay away from are the ones that I can't get at a discount and sell for a profit because that's at the end of the day. All I'm doing is buying it for one price and selling it for a little bit more. And I love holding up the note because that gives me time freedom and gives me passive income. Some of these I've sold on 30 year mortgages at 9% interest. I mean if you get a $200,000 mortgage from the bank at 6% interest, you keep it for 30 years and never refinance. You're paying back over 420 Like that's compounding interest working for you. That's a retirement account basically. So I target the entire county because it allows me to build a buyer's list in that county, because some people are looking for that four acres, some people are looking for that one acre, some people are looking for the 36, or the 440 acres. So I basically try and get every every parcel at a discount. My third deal was actually from a bank, the land with his 44 acres next to Schriever Air Force Base in Colorado Springs, in the banks, that bank wanted, like a lot of money for it, but they had that they foreclosed on it, basically. And they are behind on their taxes. That's how I found them. And I wanted it for 20 because I was so nervous. I didn't know I didn't have 20 grand, by the way. But I was like, Okay, if it's worth maybe 80 I'm getting it for like 20 cents on the dollar, or maybe what 2040 6080 I'm getting it for like, cheese 1/4 of what it's worth. Sure. So I can go for 20 About a month went by and they find is like, dude, listen, Brent, you want the damn land, it's 25,000 Sign the contract, and we'll do it. Well, this was a Friday night, like, whatever, I signed it, and I didn't sleep that night, I was like, This is crazy. I don't have $25,000 They're gonna sue me, I'm going to go to jail, I'm gonna, they're gonna take my security, or they're going to take my my secret clearance away, because blah, blah, blah, I had all these things going on in my head. And fear and doubt what I did I remember one of my coaches telling me if you ever get a piece of land under discount, or under contract at a discount or house at a discount, and you want to offload that contract, go out and put 33 bandit signs saying, you know, three to must sell your phone number cash only. So what did I do? I put 44 acres 38k had it under contract for 25. My phone number and I put those signs everywhere on a Saturday, and I got a phone call. First one was like, don't you put these signs on my property? Come back here are gonna call the police. So I got another phone call. And I'm now bracing for impact. Yeah. And the guy goes, where are you? I see these signs going up everywhere. Me and my wife sold our ranch in in Texas about two weeks ago. And we have been driving all over Colorado looking for land. And I see these signs going up. And me and that man met on the side of the road shook hands at $38,000 I had my buyer. I was gonna I slept so good that night, on Saturday and great what happened on Sunday? I got an even higher offer of 14,000 over what that man and I shook hands on. And now I had a crossroads. I'm like, What do I do? And I'm calling that Texas Texan gentleman and said, Hey, I know that we agreed on 38,000. I just had a $14,000 higher offer. He goes we shook hands on. It's like I know. I was wondering if maybe you wanted to split that 14,000 I'll give you seven grand for just meet me on the side of the road because that was life changing money back in 2016 For me, and he said no, I want the land. So I had to like swallow real hard. And I said, Okay, it's yours. And that was it. Like we just kept doing these deals over and over and over and

over. Sometimes Karma comes back and pays you for though dude. Like one thing in real estate investing, like even we just do a lot of short sales. And we never took advantage of people. And I always kept our word. And I'm telling you guys, if you ever tried to pull it over, I guarantee you that God's gonna pay you back one day some way and never fails. It's common like, right, and that's good, good for you way to keep that. That's from the service for sure.

That was hard. One of the hardest things ever did. Yeah. Well, thank God to this day, I am so happy that that's the way it worked out.

So let's go let's fast forward today. Let's say for somebody that does have some capital, somebody that does have something to invest, where are the deals and one of the most lucrative I mean, it's really you're just buying low selling high. I mean, what do you turn down? What don't you do? And then how much diligence you have to tie in between like, do you do a 10 day? Contingency when you when you want to go out there and find the buyer? And will you ever close on land if that buyer is not located?

Absolutely, yeah, we do all the time. Now I built up so much confidence in this like if you're getting something at such a margin of safety such a steep discount, 30 cents on the dollar 20 cents of the dollar, it's almost a no brainer, because Americans think how much is it going to cost me each month, not the total purchase price. So buyers will pay nine 12% and finances as long as you make easy affordable payments. Well I don't always have the my own cash my own cash to buy this. So like I just use my father in law to buy three lots. We are listing it with a builder and they're going to build to suit right on it. So that's one deal. We are buying 36 acres that we are going to develop and I don't have the

let's actually here's how they're gonna let's go through each one of those because I think if we apply the application to it and more of like a case study, I think they're going to get your out of this. Give me that first one that's interesting. The builder so you locate three residential lots. Yep. So your lease it to him and then he builds the suit but he's not having to buy their ticket on the land. So it works for him right? Got very

similar. So we actually just went into a new market in Florida. And we got three lots under contract. And I I said, Look, we don't have a buyer's list in this area. So what I Googled builders, Palm Bay, Florida, this is the area so I called every single builder in that area and said, Hey, I've got three lots, here's the street. Let me know if you want them left a message. And some sent me their voicemails some some I text as well. If I left a message, I also texted them. And then some sent me like, hey, send it to this email. Well out of those like calling those 15 builders, one of them said, Look, I'm actually building right on the street right now. You can list those things with a house model that I do. It's an Eco Friendly House, they won't have a electric or water bill because it's all solar panel, yada yada. He said you can you could price I said What can I sell the lot for the actual land? He said 30,000 to two easy, no problem. Well, I'm buying them for 15,000 each. So I'm spending 45 We're gonna make 90 and I use my father in law. We're paying him 9% on his money for the next three months. And I asked us like what, what is the most amount of time this could take to sell it to someone that wants to build a home because there's only 300 houses on the market in Brevard County right now. And that includes multifamily duplexes. triplexes, mobile homes, manufactured everything. Well, there's over 800 Real estate agents in that market. So that tells me there's a demand right now for building. So we just bought them last night, and the builders gonna list them with his house model on them here in the next couple of days. And hopefully it's a 90 day flip, we make a quick 45,000. That's that case that we're doing this week.

And they'll buy they'll find the end buyer That'll buy the lot, you get cashed out that the builder builds a house,

and they're getting a bank loan called a construction loan to build their house.

Makes a lot of sense. I like that a lot. Let's go through the second one you're going through

the second one now I didn't start here. I like I got my confidence built up. The second one that I just mentioned, we're looking at 36 acres that a realtor brought me in Sebring, Florida right on a major major highway, US 27 North, it is already zoned and approved for RV lots. It also has nine vacant commercial lots that we could put site pads on. They just threw up a Wawa a half mile from the property line. So there's a lot of opportunity here. It's an old developer. And it's so funny how this is working out 82 year old developer, and he's got a lot of projects going on. And he's basically bringing in young people and money to help them complete everything. Well, long story short, the same realtor that brought me the deal. I call him on the way back from looking at this 36 acres. I was like I love this guy. I think we can figure something out. It's so funny. He actually just sold an RV park in the town. I grew up in Okeechobee and Joe is a realtor. He goes Brent, you know where I met him, right? I was like I had no clue. He was on that land in Colorado. I was like what land in Colorado, it was a piece of land that I wholesaled in Colorado five years prior, same owner. So it's just amazing how these things work out. So going back to that deal. We're syndicating the deal. We're syndicating the funds, we are going to purchase the land. And basically we're going to build these RV, this RV park is already bringing in income it's already got an RV service centers already got storage, it's already got 17 RV spots, bringing in income, we're just gonna expand the footprint

because when you have the land you can act as the bank on other people's money guys, that's what he's getting at if he just locks in the land, and you're just brokering it. Like the agents and that's where I think that's a really interesting niche because like the agents, the vast I'd say 99.9 agents don't know anything about land, but about 30 or 20% of them will have people that would want to buy it. They don't have the education to take the land down themselves. But if I was an agent, I probably be the number one listing agent in the area because I would have every listing I go to every single builder with land OPERS opportunities and then once I have all the listings I'd also have all the buyers that'd be controlling my own inventory. Think about it folks. This is what you have to do in this type of market in a tight inventory market like this you cannot just wait for houses to come on the market. You got to go manufacture deals. This is how you do it.

I love that man that's that's amazing. You got my wheels turning mike

so there's a lot of opportunity here what let's get let's flip the script. Let's do some pitfalls that could happen and buying land because not everything is all peaches and roses all the time. Oh yeah. So what's some shit we need to watch out for? What do we got to be on the lookout for that we might get our asses kicked to say the least.

Let's talk about my sixth and seventh deal. or maybe my ninth or 10th It's a little fuzzy at this point, but I got a little cocky probably wanted to get probably wanting to

get it out of your brain. That's why you get a couple kick back and forget about that bad memory. Right?

Yeah, I started getting a little arrogant about it. And I'm still doing my army officer job, I think we're have we're, you know, I got my first kid. And we're about maybe my wife gets pregnant again, with our second baby, I really enjoyed, like the success we're having in this, I'm like, so happy, I'm not having to deal with houses that much anymore. And I just start buying land sight unseen. And I see it's assessed for, you know, 3600, I'm paying half of the assessed value. So I'm paying like $1,800 for it. And I see the county gives me a market value of like, 36,000. And I'm paying 1800. I'm like, no brainer, right? Well, there's things like treasures deeds, where people pay the back taxes for a certain amount of years, and they can take the land via foreclosure. Well, that's what happened with this with this owner, the seller, and they're like, Yeah, give me 1800 bucks, it's yours. So I would just like meet people with cashier's checks, just buying land, getting a quitclaim deed and not running title search and title insurance and getting a title insurance policy. And then I didn't go look at it. And turns out, it was like a huge crater in the ground and Woodland Park, Colorado. But I was like, it's a no brainer, like, right, cuz I'm getting it for 1800 bucks. Well, I start coming into play, I sold this thing for 36,000. I already had a buyer lined up. And we go to we go to closing, they were fine. They they're the ones that told me about the crater in the ground. They were fine with that. But when they figured out they can't get title insurance for the next nine years, because there's a cloud on the title like things start like, Okay, wow, I wish I would have known about this in the very beginning. And there's ways around it, we could have gotten through it with a, you know, you know, it's called Quiet title. But I didn't know that at the time, either. And the title company didn't tell me I could do that. So all these little things, it's like, okay, you got you start getting a little arrogant, and you start pondering and start learning your way. And it's actually they're all blessings, and I ended up selling that land for about $3,000. And I held the financing to get my money back out of it. But it could have been so much better. And you know, those little pitfalls by not running title searches. By not getting a title insurance policy by not sending somebody to go look at it, I could have hired someone on a on a Buy Sell group for 25 bucks to go take pictures, or better yet, that land specialist Realtor you just talked about my xao That's what we call.

So do your diligence, no matter what pull title, get insurance full, full shebang. And that should be I mean, mostly real estate agents, you know, you guys have that in your ingrained in your brain, you should at least, but I could see, I could see that what anything else that you would advise that another pitfall was, you know, another

thing is like, buying land, you know, know what's buildable, like know how many acres you need to be able to put a septic system like Colorado, you need one acre. Colorado Springs, you need 5000 square feet, to be able to build on there that's like the minimum footprint. And you have to be you have to be in front of the sewer lines and the water lines or you're gonna spend a boatload of money bring in. Like for things like that. Pueblo, Colorado, you need to know that it's like $35,000 for a water tap right now, just knowing little things like that, and not being like, okay, it's worth, it's worth 100 I'm only paying 20 It's a no brainer, right? Just knowing like, okay, who's my buyer? What's the buyer gonna want to do with this? Are they gonna want to build on it? Or is this like going to be an off grid cabin, like, I love recreational land and stuff that's in the middle of nowhere that no ever build on, but you got to buy it at the right price. And so I would say that's probably another pitfall just knowing what's buildable, and then higher is.

And let's do that really quick. And we'll do one more and we'll get this rap. Recreational land land that's like that first deal. You mentioned like a land land that's in the middle nowhere that is not going to be anything built. There's not gonna be commercial built. There's not going to be a house built there any time. Who's the we're gonna unload something like that

too. Well, that was that second parcel that five acres that was surrounded by by the state lands. That was actually right next to Fort Carson, Colorado, the army base, and just south of NORAD actually where they track Santa Claus. The guy that bought that just wanted a piece of land that he can go and sit in like a tree stand and watch the turkeys go by like the guy was like a nature lover. He and he knew the only way who's ever going to get legal access in and out of that that area ingress egress was by hiring an access attorney. And you can find those by you know, talking to the title company, he knew is gonna have to spend a fortune doing that. But that guy just wanted to be out and out in the wilderness. Yeah. Other people like You know stuff we bought in the middle of nowhere in Colorado, they just want a place they can go ride their quads or their dirt bikes or camp, or you know, you name it bring your RV type thing. And the

stuff that's way out there you got a lot bigger buyers because you're dealing with like a $5,000 piece right? $10,000 $15,000 $12,000 not buying 100,000 or parcel land if it's a male nowhere it's it's low price. So you could the risk isn't as high for you to take it down. You could afford to wait six months to sell that land. If it's 1000 bucks, right?

And you can get a longer contract like Hey, Mister, mister seller, Mrs. Seller, I get it. You own this land for 10 years, you want to get rid of it. I buy and sell land for a living my full time jobs to military. This is a way for me to make extra money. Is it okay? Do you have a heart? Do you mind if I have if I line a buyer up before I actually buy it from you? So I'm gonna need a 90 day contract to do that. Is that okay? I'm actually gonna market this thing all over like Craigslist and Facebook and Zillow. Is that okay? If I find a buyer before I actually buy from you, and then they come on my side. They're like, yeah, absolutely. We hope you can make some money off of this. And now I had 90 days to have a buyer lined up with $5,000 down and $200 a month for the next seven years.

Yep, makes sense. I love it dude. I think it's very creative. It's great niche. What do you think your competition is in like a market like how many other people do you have? Let's just take like Fort Collins seems like you know that area very well. In Fort Collins, how many other guys or gals are there out there like you going after these lands? Like what would you guess? And then what is it like in Florida?

You know what I say there's virtually no competition in this there are a bunch of there are several guys like me, I am training them. And I say there's virtually no competition because most people drive by land every day. And they don't see a storage unit on it. Or or multifamily or a mobile home park or house they can buy and flip. So they're driving right by it and not even thinking anymore about it. So the big institutional guys like with a lot of the pockets are not messing with it. But the guys that like I'm creating by teaching them with the land sharks, how to build businesses that serve us, our families and others. There's not a lot like one of my land shark students right now just got 28 Lots under contract in Colorado, that they're they're building right down the street from we're going to join venture, we're going to do the deal together. And we're both going to make a ton of money. And I wouldn't have ever found that land if it wasn't for that that amazing student going out and taking action and nailing and talking to seller. So you could squat up you can joint venture like you don't have to do all this on your own.

Yeah, makes a lot of sense. Love it. Brent, why don't you go ahead and tell everybody if you guys like what we talked about today, check out what Brent does. He does. You guys have like a coaching program and training thing that you bring people I want you to go ahead and tell them where they can get more info.

Absolutely. I'm a wholesaling Inc coach on their official land coach, if you're if you're looking at like trying to figure out more about this, you can go to YouTube and you know, search Brent Bowers, find me on YouTube. Definitely subscribe, trying to build that thing up started about nine months ago. And if you want to schedule a call, and see if this is a good fit for you head on over to the land sharks.com

Oh, appreciate it. Brent, awesome show and thank you guys for listening to another episode of the real estate marketing dude, podcast. Folks, if you're looking to build your personal brand with video, we will script that and distribute your shit for you. It's not very hard. We make video marketing very simple and turn you into a local celebrity in your market. And if you're sick of training and you're sick of going on Zoom training, why don't you check out the event we're having in April right here in San Diego. It's called the best real estate conference.com It's the best real estate conference calm. If you are interested in attending that make sure you use the promo code dude d U d, dude and you will save some money. I saved you some money on that ticket. Make sure you go zoom training is getting old. If you want to go back to live in training network with people like you just spoke with and heard from today. Do it live events. I can't tell you you always walk away with something. This is the one to attend. Thanks for listening to their episode, follow us on all of our social channels and keep leaving us reviews. We appreciate you guys and we appreciate you listening and we'll see you next week. Adios Thank you for watching another episode of the real estate marketing dude podcast. If you need help with video or finding out what your brand is, visit our website at WWW dot real estate marketing do.com We make branding and video content creation simple and do everything for you. So if you have any additional questions, visit the site, download the training, and then schedule a time to speak with the dude and get you rolling in your local marketplace. Thanks for watching another episode of the podcast. We'll see you next time.