Every single year in December, it's one of my favorite times, because not only do I recharge, I try to take a little bit of a break. But I also start implementing what the hell we're doing for next year. So what I want to do is bring on a friend of mine, he's been on the show before, this guy's a fucking killer. He's ranked on the Inc 500 and what he does is all virtual. He doesn't need an office he could do this from his in his underwear from the comfort of his damn living room. And this guy just has a system for everything. He's a master at lead generation and that's we're going to talk about today, is how he could do this from the comfort of his home and do it nationally too.

Three Things You’ll Learn in This EpisodeThe importance of having systems in place that workHow to utilize your skill and prospecting ability to grow clientele anywhereTaking advantage of resources and not being afraid to spend dollarsResources

Learn More about Kevin Markarian

Real Estate Marketing Dude

The Listing Advocate (Earn more listings!)

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So how do you attract new business, you constantly don't have to chase it. Hi, I'm Mike Cuevas to real estate marketing. And this podcast is all about building a strong personal brand people have come to know, like trust and most importantly, refer. But remember, it is not their job to remember what you do for a living. It's your job to remind them. Let's get started.

What's up ladies and gentlemen, welcome another episode of the real estate marketing dude, podcast. It is that end of the year. And what we're doing today is doing nothing better. Yeah, what we're doing this whole month is nothing more than just a bunch of end of the year planning things and getting ready for next year. Because if you're living in reality, the next two weeks should be pretty slow. Unless you're some kind of pagan or atheist, and you don't celebrate Christmas. So if you are celebrating Christmas, what you're gonna have is a lot of downtime. And thinking about what you're going to actually implement this year. And I know from my own personal experience, every single year in December, it's one of my favorite times, because not only do I recharge, I try to take a little bit of a break. But I also start implementing what the hell we're doing for next year. So for example, guys, I am implementing a How am I going to create eight videos a month next year? How am I going to implement this system, we're implementing new products and services with real estate marketing dude, including creating short form content, all of these little things are things that you have to do because I was very poor at working on my business over the last three months. And there's a major difference between working in the business and being ran by it then working on it, setting up systems and basically allowing you to grow it's you'll never grow your business if you don't work on it and just work in it. It's just a hamster wheel that just never ending thing. So what I want to do is bring on a friend of mine, he's been on the show before, this guy's a fucking killer. He's ranked on the Inc 500. And how he does it is all virtual, literally like this guy has an office. He's in his office right now. But he doesn't need an office he could do this from his in his underwear from the comfort of his damn living room. And this guy just has a system for everything. He's a master at lead generation. And that's we're going to talk about today is how he could do this from the comfort of his home and do it nationally to that's the most amazing thing. So without further ado, let's go ahead and welcome our guest, Mr. Kevin Markarian. What's up, dude. Thanks, buddy. Thanks, man. Congratulations on all of your success. It's great to see you progress and grow. And I'm just honored to be on this, this time with you to spend this time with you and to get to connect with your wonderful audience. So thanks, Kevin, watching everyone who you are, yeah, where you're from what you do, and then we'll get into this. Okay. I'm Kevin Markarian. And I'm in California. I originally lived in Modesto, California, small town, little ag town, did incredibly well. And at a young age, I started in real estate around 21. And worked for a big developer, national builder. And after a short period of time, and 1000s of agents I became the number one agent in the country for them. And and then shortly after that, I was living this low high life you know, a great lifestyles driving like a convertible Porsche, and as big as this has the fucking size of a giant balloon thinking your shit don't stink? Yeah, you know, 23 years old. Yeah, it was, you know, this is all butterflies and rainbows or whatever. And then the market crashed. The Central Valley of California was really kind of the epicenter of the foreclosure crisis in the United States. And so I had to make a decision fast am I going to continue to beat this beat this bit this path here and go down this path selling $60,000 homes and, you know, dilapidated properties, and not not really enjoying what I was doing? Or should I should I go somewhere else, and then try to expand and try to do something bigger. And fortunately for me at the time, you know, being that I was not far from San Francisco, one of the most elite cities in the world. I had, I took a chance and literally just kind of closed up left Modesto and moved to SF, and that was a really big, big move for me. And,

and, yeah, did you have a database? Or did you know anyone in SF when you made this move? Or were you and were you still like, what, 2425 years old? Yeah, I didn't know anyone. No, I didn't. But I knew that I could count on my my skill and my prospecting ability and just, you know, it just it works anywhere. It's like you said, you know, I like to really build out systems and everything and, and if it can be done somewhere, then it can be done somewhere else. And so that's how I how I really looked at it. And I know I didn't know anybody, but but I knew that I can connect with people. And so that's what I really counted on. And then also at that time, companies like Zillow and realtor.com, and lead gen was sort of on its way, becoming more of a just really started coming out at that time, and so took advantage

To that, and that's really how I was able to level the playing field because shortly after moving to San Francisco, I became a top producer and sort of building a team and everything and just was very, very successful in a short period of time. And it wasn't so much of like, personal skills and everything, it was just more about taking advantage of resources, and not being afraid to spend dollars. And it's easy for us in our industry, especially being commissioned salespeople to want to hold everything and not not want to spend it, because you don't know when our next checks come in and everything. But, but if you have the systems in place where you can make more predictable income, then you can take a little bit more risk. It's not as scary. And that's really what I what I was able to do.

Let me ask you a question. Sorry. So Kevin, start buying leads, right? You're doing like the realtor.com. One, and it doesn't matter. Like I think where you source your business from the difference is whether or not you can fucking close it. Leads are nothing more than conversations that you're having with other people. And when we're marketing our database, all I'm doing is I'm having conversations with them might not necessarily be about real estate. But when you're buying leads Zillow, you're having conversations about real estate either way, you're still having conversations. And the key to having conversations is to get people know like trust. Love you. First and foremost. Would you agree with that? Oh, yeah, absolutely. So what is your secret weapon? Why can't Kevin Markarian convert leads, but I can't find an agent within a 500 mile radius, I can have a conversation with a complete stranger and get them in the car the next fucking day? I think, you know, I think it just sometimes we overthink things. You know, we have to do things a certain way a certain script, somebody told us we have to do it this or that. It's just, I think, where I kind of why I think I have a little bit of a difference. People do this to not saying I'm the only one but just Just be yourself. You know, yourself. When you be your swimming, when you just feel be you know, you and just be comfortable with yourself. And just treat talk to people normally, it doesn't have to be like a, you know, certain way mean a talk or whatever it just be, be normal, be yourself be comfortable. And then you're going to start to attract people. And, and that's really what it is. That's the difference. That's why I'm able to do that and understanding other people. That's here's what we're talking about. Guys, if you're following up with people, do you have commission breath? And yes, I can smell that through the phone. Yeah. So obvious. Like, you know, when people have commission breath, you could feel their tonality, you could just feel on be like, Oh, my God, like I could tell when I have someone on the phone, whether that cold calls me. And I could tell whether they have commissioned breath or not just by asking different pointed questions, right? Yeah. And a lot of people have commission breath.

And sometimes, though, sometimes we had that because we're in a position where we don't have not, we don't have transactions, we're desperate, right? Yes. So what we have to really do is avoid those desperate situations. Because then then it's like, then I can just be be comfortable, you won't be myself, we get the commission breath, I guess it's more, it's either you're doing and you're doing it wrong. Or you're doing it because you don't have other income, and you're just, you're desperate. So how do you avoid those desperate situations? That's the question. So that you don't have to come across as that sort of, like pushy salesperson, you bring up a good point. Because I agree, like I had to start this company on a, I bought I bootstrapped this company for three years before we get out, we didn't have money for freakin lead generation, we didn't have money to go out and run on ads, we had to do everything from the ground up how we did it was creating consistent content. And you either have money or you don't, if you have the resources, and you can leverage your time, if you don't have the resources, you got to put in some time, is how it works. So how do you approach so I think that's a good conversation to have is that people are always like, well, if I spend this, I have to get this back? And then how do you overcome and start approaching ROI on specific marketing activities? I think it's you know, if you're, if you have the luxury of being in a market where people know you, it's really simple. Just go through the list of people that you know, and just start having conversations, right. And that's, that's very simple. And then

from there, if, like, for me, I didn't have that luxury. So I had to basically spend the dollars. But there are ways that you can you can connect with people without spending money, like you said, just spending time, for example, one is through using sell scores, that's one way that you can do it today. And that is through just using the MLS to find out who's most likely to sell because they put a score on every single person now through the tax record, and then going through and skip tracing that data and then making out making those calls yourself or that just takes a little bit of time. But there's that's pretty much free, right? You can use free resources to get contact information. And so that's that's the way to do it is just to try to have as many conversations as possible with the most amount of people about real estate, and I use a system that it's funny because I got this thing out of a book a long time ago, tiny little book and

and then I

I kind of hear people saying it, which is cool, you know. But I brought, I kind of started talking about it, which is the four point system, the four point system that I use, and that's everyday My goal is to get four points. I got this out of a book called How to be a rainmaker by Jeffrey Fox, super tiny little book. And he says, If you want a salesperson that always wants to stay busy, should try to try to reach four points a day. So if I can reach four points a day, I'm always going to be busy. One way to do that, or how to do that, How's his other ranking works is one point as foreign is for a good positive conversation about real estate. Two points is when I set an appointment, three points is if I get a signed contract, so signed buyer contract, listing agreement by representation, whatever, if you get a signed contract, that's three points. And four points is, is if you get paid. So if I, if I can get four points a day, I'm always going to be busy. So that's one thing that I was able to do.

When I moved to SF was I just My goal is to get the four points a day, that was it, and I know that I can get I got four points a day, I'm going to be, I'll be busy, I'll be successful. And tomorrow, I have somebody to talk to. And so I think that's, you know, because we get, it's easy to get caught up in the monotony and yeah, you know, you get bored and so on. You gotta have some that's why people talk about having your why and so on. But, um, but this is this a way to kind of game it and stay and stay focused. And I so let's, let's put this into context, what we're talking about is you have to have more conversations, whether you have a built in network or not either have a database or you don't, and you can buy conversations, you go out and have them. Have you guys ever realized some of the top producing agents aren't the sharpest tools in the shed that the most popular?

They have more friends than you do. They're more marketable and more people they have more conversations than you do. On average doesn't mean they're smarter than you doesn't mean they're better than you, which is exactly you know, there's two ways that you really stand out in the business you either a nurture the relationships you have, or be you offer something no one else has. There's a reason why Redfin goes into a market, it's our shreds acting immediately is because they have unique selling proposition. Unfortunately, the vast majority of real estate agents don't have a unique selling proposition, you guys are all selling the exact same shit. And when you're having these conversations, it's how you make people feel that really makes you stand out, which is all your personal brand, at the end of the day. So what does that mean? Well figure out a way to have conversations

with regardless of how you're doing, you're gonna buy them, or you're going to manufacture them, by putting yourself in the center of that conversation. There's a reason that I've seen, we've had some people on the show that would start up a brand new business.

In a market they don't know anyone in, and in every single circumstance that they do. It's because they're super outgoing and social and they put themselves at that table.

I've seen people do that with business owner interviews in those small local market. I've seen people do that in foundational giveback programs where they didn't know anyone in the foundation. But today, they are now sitting on the board of the foundation because they raised so much money for them over the last 12 months. But every case that I see somebody run an attraction based business, it's because they put themselves in that situation. It didn't happen on accident. Hmm. Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. And, and the thing about that, too, is that there's plenty of information out there that we can get access to, and how to do things, and how to find like people that are watching and listen to this. It's like, you know, they're they've, it's, there's, the information is available. So it reminds you of the story. If it's all right, I can tell this story about when I was growing up, I had a coach wrestling coach. And he'd always ask us, what's the difference between an amateur and a professional? What's the difference between an amateur and a professional and then, you know, sit there looking all these Theriot steroid kids, you know, like nobody has the answer. And then he would say the differences consistent, right? Yeah, an amateur and professional. So like, if I go bowling, I can ball strike maybe once out of 10 to three times out of 10. A pro is gonna pull 10 out of 10. Right? And, and the baseball pitcher is gonna pitch strike every almost every time, right? So the same thing with what we're talking about is like, we can get excited, listen to a conversation with you about what to do. And then the next day, we're amped and we go do it. But then what do we do the next day, the day after, and so on, and so on. So that's really kind of the difference, right is though those individuals that you're talking about that are putting themselves in those positions, they're doing it all the time, not one time, right? You listen to who they are, it's who they are naturally, like you're born with it, it's very hard to create that in somebody you either have it or you don't. And that the faster you figure out whether you do or not is the faster you figure out which model is going to work for you or which type of waves you're going to have more conversations. That's the key right is like figuring so you don't have to be that guy like I'm not always the most outro virgin outro Verna person but understanding where you kind of fit in then you can build a model around your strengths. And that way you can leverage other people or other systems or tools to do that.

The things that you necessarily like you're not enjoying as much, right? So so I think that's, that's the key. And and, and that's where kind of teamwork comes in and partnerships and so on and so forth. But, but, um, and that's also where leveraging technology comes in. And then that way staying top of mind through digital platforms, and, and so on, if, you know, maybe just, it's really just about you said, it's defining, and understanding what your strengths and weaknesses are, what you're good at, and then being able to work around that. And I think that's, that's really important. And so I guess the question for you is I have for you is what's, uh, what are some ways to do that? Like, how can people determine routes go.

Um, I mean, it's really comes down to, if you're the type of person that goes to your kids school event, and you sit in the corner and just talk to the people, you know, well, you're probably not the person that's going to go out there and put yourself in a center of attention. You know, if you're the type of person that knows everyone on your block, and says, Hi to everyone in the restaurant, you walk in, like that's perfect for you. In the event, you're not say the person that's going to do it, maybe you don't have the time, maybe you're like me, and you have like 10 Kids, can you pick it up three different, pick it up three different things, I don't have time to go out and meet people, nor do I have the energy. And I'm about to do this here in San Diego, and start a real estate team. And I'm starting from scratch, all my friends here are in real estate. So it's like I remember referral based business. But I can tell you guys how I'm gonna do it. I know how Kevin does it. And let's let's actually do this as a case study of something good for show. So what I'm going to do here in San Diego is I'm gonna create a create a website called your real estate dudes. And we're going to create lots of conversations through a shitload of video content creation. And what we're gonna do is we're gonna have every dude on the team is going to be creating two to four videos a month. And that's how I'm going to get them in front of the right people to have those conversations with because we have to create content in order to do so. Content creates engagement, engagement, creates conversation, conversation creates trust, trust gets you fucking paid. That's the formula. It's very, very simple. But I'm also going to be doing lead generation to now totally different strategy. Because when you look at your business, you got to look at the assets you have the assets are nothing more than the amount of people you'd invite to your wedding or funeral if you had an unlimited budget for both.

Now, in my case, I don't have any assets. But the agents I bring on my team do, each and every one of them have to be from the area, each and every one of them have to have X amount of Facebook friends, an email list and X amount of social media reach, because I know that all I need to do is infiltrate those people to have conversations. Now, that is one aspect of lead generation more based on attraction referral generation from people's existing audiences. The other system I'm going to run is probably something you know how to do way better than me. And I'm going to trip and fall forward and call you up for advice along the way. And what that's going to be is I'm going to buy a list, I'm going to get data of people who are most likely to sell, I'm going to do this to my friends over Geopoint data, Dawson the phrase, and these are going to be people that are facing financial constraints, death, probate, divorce, relocation, significant amount of credit impacts significant amount of debt on their score, I'm looking for people that own properties that are more than likely to sell. And then I'm going to take that data, and I'm going to fucking pour out all over them. I'm going to hit him on email, I'm going to hit him on tax, I'm going to hit him on social and I am going to be everywhere all the time.

And that is lead generation.

Right? But I have to start, I don't want to just I'm not gonna go by, here's where people screw up and lead gen as they go out. And they do it. It's good to Every Door Direct Mail. So let's start talking and having conversations with people that have no interest or intention of moving. That is what I call a waste of money. Hmm, absolutely. Tell me how you do it. Yeah, no, I think that's I think that's great. I think right now, especially in this market. It's it's very, I wouldn't say easy, but it's there's a lot of sellers that that

are interested in selling, right. I mean, there's Fannie Mae came out with the article a couple months ago, talking about the first time in 25 years, sellers think it's the very best time to sell in the last 25 years. And buyers think it's the worst time to buy in the last 25 years. So who would you rather work with? Who's most likely to work with you? So? Absolutely. You know, that's, that's one of our strategies as well is just now that we have this access to data that can tell you people are likely to transact, like I mentioned earlier through the self score thing, but like you mentioned, Geopoint, that's another option is finding those individuals who are likely to transact and start creating relationships, and with what your strategy is, what I really like about it, Mike is is that it doesn't take me to go out to a parent teacher conference or whatever and sit down and talk to 1515 parents, right. It's it's it's a leveraged approach. And so that you're kind of throwing out that that that casting the line, and seeing who who'd be in

interested and you're targeting individuals that are based on digital information and data are likely to transact right so that you're efficient and being smart with your with your dollars that you're spending. One area that I think what we do on that is we have,

we have a call center, we have individuals that are that are incentivized to create create appointments for agents on our team. And so we take that list like that. And like we do everything that you just said. And then we're also reaching out to them to to try to set appointments or try to have conversations. Another area that I think is really helpful with this type of marketing is to use leverage I buyer, people talk about eye buyer being an enemy, right? To me, I think eye buyer is more of a strategic partner, and we can leverage them to get our foot in the door. Whether or not those individuals, the agents decide, or the sellers decide to use that eye buyer as an option to sell their home is irrelevant to me, what I want to do is, is I want to provide those solutions, and I feel more and more today, as real estate agents and professionals. We're not no longer the gatekeepers of information, what we need to really be as a solution providers, option providers, provide individuals with those with a mountain enough all the options so they don't have to go elsewhere. Here's all I've been saying this for fucking five years, your don't sell real estate, you solve fucking people's problems. I had issues with the real estate, it's very simple. I forget, when I started learning, content marketing.

It's like when real estate marketing dude came up, I was in this conference, outside Marketing Conference in Denver, I remember. And I don't know what stuck out to me during that day. But they said, hey, you know that this is what content creation, I got addicted to it, I was just like, Dude, it's great. I'll just gonna create content on people's fucking problems and have the solution for it. You know, it's very simple. Like that makes sense. Like think about when you're when you're shopping yourself. And you're like, I don't know, let's say I need a flowers for my wife. Because it's Valentine's Day, I'm sorry. But I have no interest in going to page two a Google, like the first flower shop I see is fine with me the first one that solves that problem I'm going to use. Now I want to take that same concept and apply that to real estate because 88% of people close with the first person they meet with period. No one wants to go out and shop a bunch of different real estate agents. But you do have to offer a solution that's relevant to today's market. What Kevin's talking about with the I buyers is 100%. Right on the money. This is why we built listing advocate is that we're taking all those ibuyer offers, and we're out.

I wouldn't say performing, but we're out servicing our competition. Because people want solutions and the market is changed. And when we're doing something different than nobody else is by offering many different types of solutions to their problems. Who cares which bucket they find it. So people with the ibuyers 95% of people will still go regular listing agreement, but 100% of them want to see all their options. So if you're just selling, hey, I got a listing agreement. I'm doing a video on this today. What's the difference between you and every other agent? And most agents can't answer that.

I asked him every time What would you do? Why should I hire you over anyone else? Why don't they? What do you think the answer the question is?

Well, we're going to provide the most options and most solutions we're going to get depending on what their needs are what the agents say we think most agents answer to that question is what do you do differently than everybody else? You're gonna work harder. Yeah. I'm gonna have your best interests in mind. Well, No shit, Sherlock, you have a fiduciary duty to do that. Right? Right. But they don't have the you don't like that's the craziness of the of the business right now? Is that the answer? The answer is read the answers right in front of you. I have an easy answer. It's called listing advocate calm. But do you could just copy your concept and do it yourself. There's nothing crazy about what we're doing with it. We're just creating a mega offering that'll out compete every eye buyer and every other agent and marketing. Think about it from

Think about from two cents you guys is like, you got a couple different restaurants to go to. Right. And Kevin and I are I'm in Orange County with Kevin and we're hungry, it's lunch. And if it's lunchtime and mean Kevin want to go eat because I'm Mexican, I'm automatically going to default to go to the tacos. But because we're in the middle of the business meeting, we might go and eat tacos for 10 minutes at a taco stand. That'll fill our bellies and that'll check the box. But once 5pm comes along, Kevin and I don't just want to eat we want to eat and have an experience we want to eat and go have a cup of margaritas. We want to drink a little bit so we're gonna go to this fancy taco restaurant in Orange County by Kevin's house. And when we get there, it's going to cost me five times as much.

What's the difference? The experience I'm seeking? Right both both serve both them my belly both accomplished immediate goal, but I'm looking for something specific. So how can you create the experience keep going sorry. Know that how do you that every real estate agent listen when I What is your experience level? What makes you different?

Because having the conversations have to battle, you still got to close it. Right? So a lot of the stuff we're talking about is twofold. Guys like having the conversation comes in one aspect, but then what makes you the right answer to their problem?

Why do you have the right solution? I think what you're talking about also, and I don't want to, I don't want to be like super abstract, because I do want to allow my child how much time we have left, but I want to get into some specific support, things that people can really take away and use. But um, one of the things like, you know, kind of, before COVID, I was speaking all over the country going to different events and going on stage and stuff like that, and doing podcasts and everything.

And people ask me all the time, like, why do you share all your secrets and everything? And first of all, I like to do that it's fine, because I feel like it's more of a reciprocal thing. But also, here's an important factor to keep in mind. Like we talked about all the time, most, most people don't implement anything, right?

Exactly, right. Nobody implements anything. But then let's say that, let's say people implement,

but then it's a matter of how you're going to execute. So matter of First of all, you're going to implement, nobody does that anyway. So only a small percentage of your competition is going to implement. And then second, beyond that, who's an execute better? So it's kind of like if you're in a football, you know, real estate marketing dudes, I think there's maybe a lot of dudes on here that are football, maybe football fans, okay? So it's like when the NFL teams are going to heads up, and the offense runs the ball. And the defense knows the play, they know exactly what they're gonna do. They're gonna, they ran the same play four times in a row, they keep running it, and why are they running it? And how are they successful? Are they successful is because they can execute better than the other team? And they don't doesn't matter if you know what I do. So the answer is they asked me, How come? How come I share because I don't care, because you're not going to execute better than me. And I'm not confident in that. And there was something that I forgot who said this, maybe I don't remember who but you said, Never underestimate the mediocrity of the competition. That's great. So it's just so much opportunity. And it's just something to be very excited about. And, and so just putting in a couple things, like, you know, the listing advocate of the website that you're talking about, that was the name that you just said, you're saying add listing, advocate, listing, advocate calm, I mean, how many people are using that? I mean, it's like, I'm sure you have a lot of sales and everything, but like are the top are as your competitors using it. Right? So it's like taking small rooms, and then just implementing them into your business. And then now you just perfect and execute and just focus and do it over and over and over again. And I'd rather be the master of one thing, then be you know,

so, and that's where we come back into leads, and how we manage our lead flow and systems and everything is just a it's a science, it's a process. It's just it's easy. Anybody can do it. Next, do you have a Kevin as a follow up for everything? If someone opts in, they want to Kevin's forms. Like, I don't know how many Zapier connections you have, I'm gonna guess you could probably build a house with all of them. We, we stop using Zapier a lot.

We have our own internal stuff. So you had to build your own. But yeah, if you're going to get in the lead gen, you got to have all those different systems set up. And you're right, the same reason that I'll give away all of my video scripts to my competition. I'll give away all my video scripts. I'll give them the viral marketing right now. Frank, take them all, you're not gonna execute, dude. Yeah, you know, I mean, like, and same thing with real estate agents. I'll be like, here's exactly how you shoot the video. But I know for a fact that they're never gonna learn how to edit. That's why a service like us has, but it is about leaning forward. So we'll create all of our content, we give it away. We're not gonna hold anything back. Yeah, but here's the thing. It's part of that though, too, is it's okay to hire out. Right? It's fine. But part of execution is is having the right team. Yeah. So that's why it's like one of the factors too, is like, I'll hire you to edit for me. I'll hire the marketing dude, edit for me, because I don't know how to edit. Right. So it's like coming back to one of the early things in our conversation was, you know, is don't be in a position where you can't spend money, don't be.

So that way we can create a predictable income so that you can spend the dollars but one thing I want to share with everyone.

I'll try to give away like a simple strategy. I don't know if it's, how simple it'll be. But first of all, one of the things that we do and we're we're creating about maybe 100 between 60 and 100 Hand raisers per hour with our team, and the way we do that is we use real scout and then we just integrate real scout with follow up boss So Andrew, if you're from from real Scout, if you're watching this, you set up that integration, buddy, so we don't have to do it so much on the issue. What the fuck are you doing man?

Forever, you get about 60 to 100 per hour. The way I do it is I take my follow up boss, CRM, and every lead that comes in gets entered into real Scope.

Just have real Scott by itself alone, I don't have any ownership of real Scott, I probably should be already gifted by now like 10%. Andrew, you're that one to pick them up Andrew. And so take your leads, put put them into real scout or something like it, where you can then start dripping, sending content that's relevant. And then where you can track the engagement, but more importantly, where your your clients can, can message you to let you know when they're interested. And, and so what we've done that's unique is taking the the activity and the engagement that's happening inside of real scale, and then transitioning that through an integration that we've created on our own because it was way too expensive. To use Zapier, imagine 60 to 100 an hour how much that's gonna cost.

So we had to do our own. But now all those all those activities that are happening in real Scout are getting sent over to follow a boss for my team, who is now seeing all those activities, all that engagement in our, in our call center, and everybody is calling. And it's just working out so well. So if anybody's interested in learning how to do that, reach out to me, because I'll show you guys how to do and that's kind of something that we're offering right now

as a consulting thing, so if anyone wants to do that for their team or their business, you look up, but you're doing it through like the thing to to just serve everybody understands as you're reaching out through multiple mediums, oh, yeah, to pull tabs, like, there isn't like, if you're doing lead gen Do you agree? Like, there's no such thing and lead gen world anymore, where there's just one channel you're using? Right? Like, you can't just use email anymore, and then expect it to work? Like you might get a deal here and there. But like, you're never gonna scale? Well, like you said, you need to be everywhere all the time. Yeah. And so right, it's just, it's a matter of like building trust, and so on. So like, people see you, they're gonna, it's a matter of building that trust. So the more that you're seeing, the more visible you are, the more relevant content that you're providing, the more the more trusted that you will be. And the more likely the thing is, people are going to reach out to you. Because like you said, when you're when you're going on looking for that flower shop, right, you're going to click on that first one that reaches that solves your problem. So if I can be in that position, maybe I'm not going to be the first page of Google, but I'm going to be on your videos, I'm going to be on Facebook, I'd be on everywhere, so that when the time I just I don't have to go far to find the answer. So the Be that person, and I know you're like a master of that. And and then we do that as at a high level as well. And we're just, you know, constantly sharing that data. And it's also important to share it with people that are most likely going to transact. So we don't want to waste our dollars and our time with people that have no interest whatsoever. So one of the things that we do, like you said, you take that data, the cell score, the geo geo point where you can show that shows you who's interested, but then now you're sending them content. And now they're engaging with your content. That's information that we may be tracking to. And then we're picking and going deeper with that it's all basic stuff to you, man. You know this, but people that are listening if you don't know it, learn from Mike, because there's nobody out there. It's really better than understand view. Do you believe that everyone needs to be creating content today? Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. Because of that. And then because of that, like you got you can't like if you have your sales messages going out, you have that you have multiple things going on. Like I have a pitch video that goes out to people who are listening to this podcast right now, like you guys, click on my website, go ahead and click on my website, I dare you click on my fucking website right now. Click, click, click on my website, I am going to be all over Google YouTube, Facebook IG, and I'm about to do it on tick tock. Because I know that even in our world, like the more I am everywhere, the more demos we get, and the more times we saw our video services. But when I turned off those demos, there's been a couple of times this year where my schedule was booked out two weeks, and I turned off my ads. Big mistake. Don't ever do that, please. And then I went through a peak and valley in our demos because of it. So it's crazy on how important it's become unnecessary learning experience, man. Yeah, if you didn't do that you wouldn't have known for sure, like you would have guessed would have been a hypothetical, right? And that everything's hypothetical. I'm always wrong the very first time I'm not smart. I'm not by any means. Like some kind of smart dude. I've just not scared to test things out and see what works and then amplify and that's that comes back to because you're consistent because you're you have systems in place you can you can take those types of financial risks

and, and not be afraid so.

Yeah, I mean, it just

I mean, I can I can see her and talk forever man, I really appreciate you I think you got it wrapped up I think people are gonna be interested possibly in your consulting thing. Why don't you go ahead and unless you have anything else to add, let's go ahead and get this one wrapped, and tell people where they can message you. But I think closing thoughts guys. You got to have more conversations and to do that you got to be in multiple places. And you got to be everywhere all the time. And you got to have those conversations in front of the right people.

The right people are either a cold list of people who are more than likely to buy or sell, or those people are the people who already know like and trust you. Yes. And like I said, right now we're generating between 60 to 100, new, active people that want to engage that want to talk that are hand raisers. per hour, 60 to 100 an hour.

How much of a guy asked how much of a budget does that cost? Okay, so my,

I got it.

I mean, like, probably close to six figures a month at one time, close to with everything, okay. But now, it's a lot lower. It's, it's because I got smarter number one, number two, also, we built such a huge database over those over those years, right? And then three is who, okay, here's my philosophy on leads. And we have a short time I know, but for those who are leads, people, okay, and where are those people live? In your community? In your your neighbors, your people, right? So what are when you're paying for leads, what you're simply what you're doing is you're speeding up the process, from having to basically find a needle in a haystack. And you're paying someone to find that needle for you. So that they're right. So they're saying, Okay, this is a person out of this community, this person is interested, what if I had the whole access to the whole community? If I had access to everybody in the community? What would you do?

Just second, if you're paying attention, if you had everybody, if you had access to everybody in a city, in San Diego, and your your neighbor, I'd be all over him, you'd be all over him. Right? So So then would you buy a lead? No, no, because you don't need to, you don't need to. So that's my point to everybody is you can create your own leads, because you know, where those people are coming from, they're coming from, let's say, your neighborhood, your community, wherever. And so if you can get access, which we have access to that now, I can get access to everybody in my community, and I can get data on those people, which is available, very low cost. And if I can just then figure out a way to get in front of them with content. Like I said, What now we're calling we're setting appointments, we have a cost, so I invested in the call center stuff. So my cost is like stupidly low man, like, it's, it's so low, I can't I mean, it's like, so low, he can't even share them no matter how low it is. So

it's more about not so much like we're not paying for the leads, I'm paying for the systems and management of how to manage those contacts from the community that we're targeting. You could probably sell those leads and turn pretty pretty promptly to

your you're giving them to your team members. And you're writing an awesome model doing that keeping them busy. Systems is all Yeah. Can I plug one thing, man, God, yeah, so um, so obviously have a brokerage marker real estate. And we're basically looking to grow with great people. So that's another goal of mine is to try to connect with with agents. And we're rolling out a rev share plan, rev share model. So if anybody's interested in learning about how to become part of our team, or you're receiving leads, and we're setting appointments for you with sellers with buyers.

That's another thing you know, I don't want this to be like a pitch fest. But no, I think that's a pretty damn good offer. If you guys are having struggling with business or acquiring business, then you got to surround yourself with someone who's had acquired for you until you learn how to do it on your own. And he's offering JOIN US team if you're interested and I'll supply you with leads. Simple, it's pretty fair offer to me. Whether you're an agent or a team, you have a team or brokerage, whatever, I think we have a solution for everyone. And so that's that's my that would be my my thing. So I just want to say thanks, Mike. Dude, I really respect you, man and appreciate everything you're doing. Thanks, dude. Appreciate it. And we appreciate you guys listening to other episode the real estate market do podcast folks, you know where to find us. If you are thinking about getting on video next year. You don't need more leads, you need more dudes, all you need to do is go to real estate marketing do.com Schedule a demo with me. I'll show you how it works. And I will promise you that people will stop forgetting what the hell you do for a living and you'll start running and attraction based business. That's www that real estate marketing do.com go and connect with us on all of our social sites as well and keep leaving those reviews and tell people about this show. I appreciate you guys listening. We'll see you guys next week. And we'll talk to you then peace out. Thank you. Thank you for watching another episode of the real estate marketing dude podcast. If you need help with video or finding out what your brand is, visit our website at WWW dot real estate marketing dude.com We make branding and video content creation simple and do everything for you. So if you have any additional questions, visit the site, download the training, and then schedule a time to speak with the dude and get you rolling in your local marketplace. Thanks for watching another episode of the podcast. We'll see you next time.