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Debunking Google Ads

Real Estate Marketing Dude

English - December 27, 2021 18:47 - 30 minutes - 28 MB - ★★★★★ - 82 ratings
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The new year is coming and in the business world you're probably hearing a lot about Google Ads. Facebook isn't really doing as much as it used to so more and more people are trying to crack the code for Google ads or finding someone who can do it for them. I'm going to take today's lesson, or podcast as a lesson myself, because there's a lot of work I personally need. So we get an email, like most people come on the show, say, Hey, I got this Google Ads expert. I'm like, perfect. We're getting all kinds of questions on this. So we brought him on today. 

Nik Tsoukales founded REALTOP after spending more than 15 years growing multiple sales teams, call centers, and businesses using digital marketing. In his career, he’s been awarded multiple INC. 5000 Awards for fastest-growing private companies in the United States, been responsible for multiple business turnarounds in the financial space resulting in millions of dollars in revenue recovered as well as organically growing multiple companies online dominating organic SEO, Google PPC, and Social Media. Nik and his team of digital marketing experts are responsible for more than 89k actual clients acquired using online marketing and counting with a diverse range of business types including financial services, dental, medical, legal, real estate, and more.

Three Things You’ll Learn in This EpisodeWhy content is important to rank organicallyWhat you can do on Google that you can no longer achieve on FacebookHow to get on the first page of a Google searchResources


Real Estate Marketing Dude

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So how do you attract new business, you constantly don't have to chase it. Hi, I'm Mike Cuevas to real estate marketing. And this podcast is all about building a strong personal brand people have come to know, like trust and most importantly, refer. But remember, it is not their job to remember what you do for a living. It's your job to remind them. Let's get started.

What's up ladies and gentlemen, welcome another episode of the real estate marketing dude, podcast is the end of what really 2021 We're about to get in 2022 and 2022, you're going to talk about doing some new things. And one of those new things that have started about a little bit of a buzzword in the industry, are Google ads. I actually saw a post about it this morning and one of the Facebook groups. Hey, do I know anyone that can run my Google ads for me? Because my guess is that Facebook's not doing what it used to. And that's the only ad platform real estate industry has ever actually attempted to do anything on. And they're resorting to Google ads. And you know, personally, I've been doing those YouTube ads for about nine months. I've not cracked the code I've had. But I've generated my business from nowhere. I optimize but I also am running a lot of Google Display ads right now those are doing really well. I'm getting a lot of for retargeting purposes, I love them. But I'm going to take today's lesson, or podcast as a lesson myself, because there's a lot of work I personally need. So we get an email, like most people come on the show, say, Hey, I got this Google Ads expert. I'm like, perfect. We're getting all kinds of questions on this. So we brought him on today. Nick, why don't you go ahead and tell everybody who you are, what you do. And then let's get into this interview.

Thanks for having me on Mike. My name is Nick Collis, I own a company called Real top marketing. out of Boston, Massachusetts. We help all types of professional service businesses, including a lot of real estate brokerages, financial services, companies, and so on, generate tons and tons of qualified leads using Google ads, amongst other things. But I would say that's our that's our core focus we've generated to date. And this isn't actually counting every single client but over 89,000 paying clients using Google ads. So that's our that's our claim to fame.

Yeah, well, let's get it. There's all kinds of questions about Google ads. And you guys, these are the ones that pop up at the top of the search results. So you see ad and it's like blue font. And if you're not number one, no one goes to page two. That's why people are doing them. You either get there two ways we either SEO and rank there, which I'm going to go on a wild limb and say 99.9% of the real estate and mortgage industry don't have enough content to rank organically.

So how are you? How are you going to compete with Zillow and Redfin and these guys that have 100 People just writing content, it's difficult for the sole practitioner, even even a local brokerage to even come close to what they've got going.

So walk me through from a real estate agents perspective, let's do this in three ways real estate agent, lender, and then seller lead generation, so people own homes, because these are the top three topics, and how we would reach these people. First off, let's go on to the targeted. What can you do on Google that you can no longer do on Facebook?

Well, there's there's kind of a fundamental difference, right? So you have and I'm gonna actually put aside display for a second. I mean, we're going to put aside the majority of YouTube for a second and just simply talk about the two fundamental differences between Google search ads, so be a little bit more specific, and even just Facebook ads, okay. Facebook is an amazing platform, you can create zillions of cheap leads. I mean, it's it's it's a powerhouse right now. But it's disruptive marketing. So someone isn't necessarily looking for what you have to offer when you put that ad in front of them. Okay. And that's okay. Because, you know, if, you know, if they're interested, if the demographic and they inquire, eventually you're going to have business, okay. There's no question. It's a powerhouse. But Google, especially Google search ads, you have people that are super high intention, they're looking for what you have to offer when they see that ad. They might have already tapped on the shoulder of their referral sources and said, Hey, you got a guy that that can sell my house or you Hey, you got a guy that house they already did that? And and they didn't find someone. So what do they do? They just went to Google or they're just slightly introverted, have no friends and they just live on Google. Right? And they search for companies there. So what we find is the actual sales cycle because these people are so motivated, the sales cycle is far shorter with these people that are looking for your services, so long as you can as long as the searches exist, okay, cuz sometimes you have markets that the searches just aren't there. Okay, as long as the search exists, you can get in front of them with an ad that doesn't oversell which we can talk about that, and then get them to some sort of landing page experience that literally matches what they were looking for. You could do business very, very quickly using Google, um, you can turn a profit very, very quickly. Now, the cost per click is going to be, I mean, it could be 10x, what you're paying on Facebook, but you should be able to, in a lot of cases generate revenue a little quicker, even if it's more expensive. It seems you we can typically get cash flow, cash flow working a little earlier, if that makes

sense. Yep. So we're talking about intent based versus disrupting somebody's couch? watching the Kardashians. And, and he's right, your costs are going to go up higher. But it's going to be a better quality lead overall, because it's people that are looking for what the hell you do they need this help. So you're solving somebody's problem with it. So that makes a lot of sense. Why don't we hit into targeting and just start with search, it's not getting to display it. So So box search ads, I'm sure you're targeting the same, but let's start with just search ads for the real estate industry.

Who can we target? I mean, here's the cool thing about search, okay. It's not necessarily a matter of picking the right age group, or, or you know, the right audience, okay, you can really target people just based on searches. And you can add some other filters, obviously, your you know, your zip codes, you know, you can only do business in a certain area. But you can, you can target people that are looking that are typing in exactly what you can offer, okay, so you don't have to worry about making sure that that audience matches exactly what could possibly be a customer because you're not, you know, you're not disrupting, you're not disrupting them. Okay, they're, they're looking for it. So really, you're targeting I actually think it's a lot easier. Now, some industries tend to be or the searches tend to be so broad. Okay, so we have clients that are attorneys, and yet people that literally search for attorney, okay, but they need a malpractice attorney, and they'll go to 10 Different attorney websites, you know, looking for malpractice attorney. And every time they click on one of those websites, or those ads, they're wasting someone's cash, unfortunately. So an industry like that can be very finicky, and very tricky when you're doing your keyword bidding in real estate can be as well, because you could bid on literally the word, sell my house, get a bunch of different variations of that, and people just looking for websites to, you know, value their house like Zillow, and they're not necessarily looking for a real estate professional. And that's where, you know, when we have someone that is kind of new to Google ads, okay, and maybe they don't have a massive silicides budget, okay, but they're doing you know, they they're doing great business in a particular zip code, what we'll typically do is we'll target keywords like, you know, real estate broker real estate company, we won't just, we won't target just the word real estate or real estate listing, we want someone that is looking for the professional, the actual person that's going to assist them. And that allows us to do away with some of the garbage traffic that won't tarnish the lead ever.

Let me stop you right there. super interesting. Whereas most people, and we're talking about keywords. So yeah, there's just a couple of ways you could run ads in Google. And even before I go into this, you could reach people who type in certain keywords, which is what I believe is best practices. Yep. But you could also do several other different forms of targeting, and you could target them based on demographic income, all this other kind of crap, right? Interest, all this other stuff. But from everything I've seen, yeah, I think the keywords is what people are what works the best. But what's interesting about what he just said, was not necessarily focused on the keyword that they type in, on the problem they have, but the keyword that they type in based upon the person who could help them solve it. That's a difference. Right there. So if you didn't catch that, think about

that. That's, that's one of the filters, otherwise, you're just gonna blow a ton of cash. We've seen agents do it, they're bidding on literally real estate in their zip code. And they're getting all of Zillow traffic, people trying to price out their house. And there's, there's, there's no money there, you know, or they're getting a lot of people that come to the website, and they do want to poke around, or they'll use their, their home value engine, you know, whatever. They're running on their website. And that's great. You can capture some data there. But I usually suggest doing that as kind of a phase two of Google. So phase one, I usually like to launch campaigns, people looking for the professional. Even if the traffic isn't a ton of traffic, the leads will be quality. It'll be super high intention. And once we've sort of maximize the campaign like that, and we've kind of squeezed every Anything we can out of it in terms of how many leads we could generate at the right price, then we'll move on to like a phase two, which is an additional campaign that's a little bit more broad. Knowing that we're gonna get some tire kickers, we're gonna get some guys that click around, we're gonna have a higher bounce rate. But you know, you just work out the formula at that point a little differently.

And when you guys are searching for different keywords, a lot of people are aware, you guys just using keyword planner in Google, are you guys using anything in particular, I have a follow up to that.

We're a big, big fan of keyword planner. But also we're a big, big fan of SpyFu, SpyFu SpyFu has been our go to lately, I mean, because we can, we don't have to totally reinvent the wheel. And I think that's something important for a lot of the listeners out there. I mean, you know better than anybody, especially with social media ads, you can see what the other guys are doing. Facebook will give you the data, Google will give you the data. And now these third party engines can literally give you everything. So why try to reinvent the wheel just use one of these tools

in tow, arresting how much money that people need to spend on something like Google ads, you know, like they get the hit a campaign, they are more expensive. How does someone know? And in this some I struggle with too is like when you look at the audience size is based on impressions, and my brain looked at just looks at different like there was like millions and millions and millions no matter what. So like when you're sitting there like looking at a Google ad? Or a keyword like how do you determine which is the right answer? How much do you need to spend to actually make an impact? I see a major drop off or pick up in Facebook when I go over 100 bucks a day versus under it? And there's all it seems like that's almost like that threshold. But is that true for Google? And how does that work?

Yeah, Google. I mean, I hate to say it, right. But the barrier of entry is definitely higher than it was five years ago, way higher than it was a decade ago, when I really first started getting into Google ads. So we'll get you know, we'll ever brokerage or a professional services business hit us up and say, hey, you know, I want to test this out with $500 in ad spend the first month. And as much as I'd like to help them, what we find is when we do the numbers Google's been around so so long, that they're already companies occupying those top three spots, they've already made their money back 100 times. So now they're playing with the houses money in terms of marketing spend. So they'll just auto bid for those top spots. So the little guy, he doesn't have that low bear event she wears, you know, with social ads, at least you're paying for impressions. So you almost have not almost you're not completely but an unlimited inventory. With Google, it's like you're limited with the number of searches, you're limited to those top three to four spots, page two is essentially totally useless. So the barrier of entry is much higher. When I get an inquiry like that, I tell people, what's your budget for the year? And if it's not at least $1,000 per month to start? I tell them don't even waste your time yet, you know, get out there start knocking on doors, you know, start posting tic tock videos, because I don't think it's going to be for you.

Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. And I do see a certain audience size that's relative to that, or are you just you? Don't you even look at that?

Well, yeah, sometimes we'll have a customer that's only doing business in a particular zip code. And, and we do the you know, we jump at the keyword planner, and we do our forecasting, and we find that, you know, this 50 searches in that particular zip code. And, you know, if you if you take it two or 3% click through rate, and then you take 20% of those clicks, turning and deletes really, what do you get maybe a lead? You know, so you wonder, like, all the time management that goes into monitoring these campaigns, is it worth it to get a leader to where maybe you could be out there, I don't know, going to your local chamber of commerce meetings and asking for referrals and getting the same thing. So yeah, you want to have a decent pool size. I

mean, that requires me to get up off my ass and actually do some though. So I mean, what the hell I want. That's too much work.

Funny story. I was at a chamber of commerce meeting the other night, a random town that I don't live in. It was like a wedding crasher Chamber of Commerce meeting in Bill burrs brother was there randomly lives in the town. That's funny.

Interesting, man. So um, also, I noticed when you're doing Google ads, there's different like, they could say, like, let's just say I type in real estate agent, real estate broker realtor. And then it says, you want a specific keyword search? Or do you want it very broad? What do you guys do on like a phase one when you're starting a new campaign for something like that?

Great question. So for those of you that have never run a Google campaign, when you bid on a keyword, there are three different ways you can bid on a specific keyword. So let's use that example. Let's say real estate broker or even real estate company, right? You can bid on real estate company exact match, which is they have to type that exact thing in exactly how we just said and wrote it. Then you have phrase match, which is a slight variation of real estate company which could be like those Worst real estate company, the best real estate company, some variation of it, and then you have a broad match. Okay, and broad is a recipe for disaster for almost every campaign early on, because that could be a sentence with the word in it, it could be real estate sucks, it could be the word real attached to, you know, find me a real juice, juice press machine, like any variation of that word, or that phrase that you can imagine it's too loose. So usually, when we start these campaigns, especially in real estate, we're starting with exact match, it doesn't produce a ton of traffic, but what we find is the traffic is super quality. And even if it only generates a few leads, here and there, we know the clients not burning through their cache. And then we build on that the majority of companies and actually Google suggestion, if you deal with a Google agent, they're not going to like this, they usually want you starting with broad match. And then they tell you to prune the tree to thin out your campaign from all the bad searches. By then you blown through 10s of 1000s of dollars, you don't have to you can do the opposite, start small and then add slowly. Google's a for profit company, keep that in

mind. But in a lot of the you're doing the keyword research, like we'll just say, Buy house sell house fast, a lot of the wholesalers and the rehabbers, you see all their keywords, they do different variations of sell my house fast or something like that. But if you're like if you're narrowing down your area and say your local business, like during the search isn't high. What type of keyword volume do people need to look at? If they're thinking about researching some other keywords to start hitting?

Well, I think it's a matter of conversions, right? reverse engineering the formula, okay. So let's say your goal is to get I don't know, four deals a month out of your campaign, okay. And you know, out of those four deals, you need to generate, I don't know, 20 leads, okay, and you know, the traffic that's going to come to your website, it's real estate, it's a little bit loose, only 5% of the traffic is going to turn into a lead, then you can kind of reverse engineer that and say, you know, I'm going to need to generate, you know, to generate those 20 clicks, I'm going to need to get, what's the math there? How many clicks 20 divided by? So this is why God gave us calculators, right? So 20 divided by, so we're going to need to generate 400 clicks per month to get to those four deals. So if you get with a pro that's been doing it long enough, that's the question. They're gonna say, hey, how many deals you want to generate from this. And the other thing they're going to say is, what are you willing to pay per deal? What's your cost per acquisition? That's another thing. Some people like, alright, let's generate traffic. All right, traffic sexy, but I rather say, hey, professional realtor guy, right? If I can get you a deal today, how much are you willing to pay in marketing expenses for that? Yeah, I make 10 grand on a deal. I'm willing to pay two grand and marketing expenses. Great. Let's reverse engineer that. And I'll take a formula like that. I'll reverse engineer that and say, Alright, we need 400 clicks. Right now we're looking at $6 A click in the zip codes, you can do business in $6 a click, you're gonna spend? Yeah, 2400 bucks. Do you have the budget for that? Oh, you don't, don't waste your time. You know,

that's a it's crazy. I'm sure this is like an all the professional industry, not just in real estate. And it makes our egos feel better. Like when we're getting a bunch of like, leads and people you see us on Facebook, like Oh, I got I'm getting $5 per buyer lead and you're like, great, we got to go through 700 of those until you actually get to closing and we feel like it. Here's why we look at cost per lead versus cost per listing contract. And any rehabber if you guys listen to a few of the episodes ago, tune in to the one with Dustin defrays. And he runs his he's talking about you know scaling in a local operation and owning properties. And his whole thing is not cost per lead it's cost per contract. He doesn't care about the cost per lead. And he'd rather get five leads a month than to get 300 tire kickers and it saves them a lot of time it saves them a lot of energy for conversion, but that's the way that we have to start thinking that's how you always have to be thinking our business is so fucking ego fold. It's like we just care about what people say. It's like Mee Mee Mee Mee Mee like none of us ever did true like I was so bad at running business with numbers until just about three years ago and even when I moved out here in San Diego, I look back and it's embarrassing. When I look back at my career as a real estate agent How much should I throw at the wall and I would literally just feel better about myself because I had leads coming in and they stroke my ego when I really should have just said dude I didn't even know my ad cost was but I was probably losing money to be honest with you. Right and people don't look at it that way because if I have

leads coming in there oh keep the leads that come in the leads are coming. Pluck the leaves

Dude, give me the damn contracts.

You know, what I've noticed is I did that early on in my career, my last company, we did a ton of volume. And we reach a certain plateau, we hit it, we ran a bunch of different marketing campaigns, we did well, but then we reached a plateau. And then I met with some guys that are running companies that are 10 times the size of mine. This was a financial services call center. And McCarthy's guy so big, and I met with this one guy, and he's like, what's your cost per acquisition? And I was like, it's $100. He said, Well, I pay $200 to acquire a customer. So I'm like, wow, you pay so much more. But his operation was TEDx. And essentially, he created that threshold for himself. He said, I'm willing to pay $200 to acquire clients. And what he would do is he would go out into the marketplace, to call centers, to marketing companies, to agencies, he had so many different people funneling him business, because he knew, I'll get to $200 If you can get me a deal. That was it, how it plays out in terms of ad cost agency fees, and everything that that was just like logistics hitting care about that. But he got to the point where he was setting up sales people were setting up sales organizations just selling him files at 200 bucks a pop, and he would just buy him ready to go deals. So if you can figure out your your cost per acquisition, okay, you can go out into the marketplace and hunt for business, okay, it's free business at that point, if I can give someone $200 I give you $200. And you can hit me 300. What do I care if if I pay 200 or 100? It's free money at that point. And I think that's the difference between the big guys and the little guys, they have that number, and they hunt with it all day long. And that's why they've got these massive operations.

I mean, it's, it's for the individual though, it's, it sounds like it's a big, it's a big nut for a lot of people realistically, and they throw up when it's just getting started. You guys, it's like once you get started, like what was I ever worried about? But it's that first month or two? And you're just wondering if it's gonna work. And you know, there's a lot of BS out there. So I understand but you got to put a risk your entrepreneur dammit, like you don't just it's not an easy road, man, you want to sell a lot of houses will take a lot of risks. When you know, you have to just the way it's all it's what we've all done. Anybody in the same I'm sure you have very similar stories, mind you probably risks something. And now you have a good successful business. Well, you fail forward and everything we do, and this is just another one of those things. Let's go into display ads a little bit. So we just talked about search ads, guys, what are the ads for search, you get popped up was talking about how display ads work a little bit. And if you can start getting everybody the concept, but

give you guys a quick summary display, as well as discovery which is part of it. Literally just when you're browsing the internet, you have a lot of websites that are getting paid by Google to have banners all over their websites, right and they get a commission for it. So you're popping around your Gmail, you got ads there, you're popping around YouTube, you got banner ads there and picture ads there. You're popping on different websites that have Google embedded on their sites for to make some cash. And you see these banners everywhere. It is very much this it's very much disruptive marketing in the same way Facebook is okay or Instagram ads are Snapchat ads are obviously they're not as dynamic, you know, you're not going to have you know, really cool video pop up on someone's random website for an ad. But those banners are there. The cost per click for those are way, way, way cheaper than a cost per click for someone that is searching for what you have to offer for search, and they serve a purpose. Okay. What we like to do, Mike is we like to start using display in tandem with search for remarketing purposes. So that people that are leaving the website, we'd like to we'd like to show up everywhere they go, whether it's YouTube or anywhere on that network and we'd like to use remarketing obviously, inside the Facebook Instagram network to but will first use display to take warm traffic and warm it up a little bit more usually try to try to hit them with an offer to get them back into the site. That's usually phase one. Phase two with display is cold traffic. Okay. But and this is a big, but it's a different beast. Okay? It's disruptive marketing, it's cold traffic. It's not something that get that can just be done, you know, where you get the clicks. And that's it, you usually have to remarket your, your display traffic as well multiple multiple times and actually immerse them with YouTube ads with Facebook ads with Instagram ads. So if you're doing cold display, you should be hitting them on social you should be hitting them on YouTube with video. That's the way to make that effective. And also, you know, you got to realize that that sales cycle online just just in this part of the funnel, the marketing part of the funnel, it's going to be much longer than that. In a search ad, okay. And then on top of that, when you're generating these leads, the sales cycle of those leads is going to be much longer as well because they might not necessarily be ready to buy today. But they still want to be part of your ecosystem getting info from you. So your longer marketing cycle, longer sales cycle but display. By the way, the majority of businesses that I work with, they never even get to graduate to display. They never fully maximize their their marketplace in search. So it's very rare. We even go to display for cold traffic. We're usually just hanging out there for remarketing most of the time, that's exactly

how I'm using it. Hey, guys, I want you guys go ahead and do a test right and I want you to go visit WWW dot real estate marketing www dot real estate marketing And I'm going to be all over your ass wherever you go. No matter what you're going to see what we just talked about.

Yeah, in your dreams in your sleep, like like Freddy Krueger just everywhere, everywhere. That'd be. That'd be neat. If we could just market to people in their dreams. Like while they're sleeping.

It'd be great folks, the people, you give it to the one that's exactly how I'm using it. And that's refreshing to hear. You say I'm just using it for retargeting, retargeting my YouTube views and I'm retargeting my website visitors. And I'm returning my emails throughout that, but that's very, very good, cool. Anything else you think we need to add in here? That I don't know, anything that I think people should know.

Yeah, my suggestion is that this is just the more of a general tip. And then this is actually coming from a sales guy. I'm a sales guy before I'm a marketing guy, I got into marketing because I needed to generate my own leads, okay, and I didn't want to waste my time, maybe I'm lazy, maybe I just want to be efficient, call it what it is. But if I get on the phone with 10 people, I want to be able to close a minimum of two or three of them minimum. And I want high intention people. So don't be afraid to pay a high cost per click, don't be afraid to pay a big cost for lead, focus on quality, quality, quality quality, because that's going to get your cash flow moving, right? Okay, that's gonna give you the shortest sales cycle. And when the cash flow is right, you can keep buying leads, you can spend as much as humanly possible. In fact, you will, you'll, you'll, you'll want to spend as much as you can, it's a funny thing, when you can get a return on marketing, any sort of positive return. It's, it's unbelievable how much more money you want to spend. It's like making money on the stock market, it's pretty addictive, very similar to it.

To every company grows, it's how you scale you got to figure out what that number is, in your guyses business. If you're a realtor, it's at cost per listing contract or post cost per contract. If you're a lender, it's cost per Loana. If you're an investor, it's cost per contract to doesn't matter. You're buying houses, and a lead amongst all three of those audiences is going to be worth something different based upon how much money you make on it. So you also have to take that into consideration. Folks, most of you guys, if you're an agent, you're making two and a half percent of the sales price, right? You're making fucking $10,000 On the low end, usually in most markets nowadays, too, sometimes. $20,000. So like for you to, that's what you want to look at is like, Hey, I'm gonna make $10,000 per closing, would I pay? $2,500 a lead? Yeah, if I knew that was gonna be the case. Do you think you could turn in and lead for $2,500? Someone gave you just one a month?

And yes, the question. No, call

this fucking guy up. Steve. Why don't you tell him what your stuff is? God plug your stuff. Oh, sorry. Oh, Steve, Nick. We're Steve. Yeah. I thought you're gonna be on the show to know Nick, go right ahead and plug them in. Tell them where they can learn more

about. All right, you guys can hit us up at real Not to be mistaken for real It's not an art. It's the real top calm. You can go on there request a free consultation with myself or someone from my team. There's no charge. We'll spend you know half an hour an hour with you over over a zoom call or face to face and you're in the Boston area and we'll just strategize you know what's not working what's working we'll help you come up with a plan that you know just make a making make a zillion bucks in 2020

I love it man. Thank you for your insight, folks. Thank you for listening another episode of The Marketing new podcast you guys know where to find us if you don't like I said visit the website so I can re follow you all over the freakin internet I'll see you every website WWW dot real estate marketing And if you need someone to start building your personal brand with video, we will do it all for you. You don't need more videographers you don't need more leads. You need more dudes with script added distributor video content costs after and we'll dial in what exactly your branding and video strategy is and make it really easy for you all in us a couple hours a month. Talk to you guys later. Have a good weekend and Merry Christmas. Thank you for watching another episode of the real estate marketing dude podcast if you need help with video or fine Finding out what your brand is visit our website at WWW dot real estate marketing We make branding and video content creation simple and do everything for you. So if you have any additional questions, visit the site, download the training, and then schedule a time to speak with a dude and get you rolling in your local marketplace. Thanks for watching another episode of the podcast. We'll see you next time.