Platforms like Facebook and Instagram provide an incredible marketing opportunity for real estate agents, yet most of us treat social media forums like the modern-day classifieds, posting ads for our businesses rather than making an effort to connect with people on a personal level. If you really want to leverage social platforms as a conversion […]
The post Stop Advertising and Start Storytelling with Cielo de la Paz appeared first on Real Estate Marketing Dude.

Platforms like Facebook and Instagram provide an incredible marketing opportunity for real estate agents, yet most of us treat social media forums like the modern-day classifieds, posting ads for our businesses rather than making an effort to connect with people on a personal level. If you really want to leverage social platforms as a conversion tool, the key is to stop advertising and start storytelling. And we all have the necessary tools to tell stories through video with the camera on our phones.

Cielo de la Paz is an award-winning photographer, filmmaker, entrepreneur, instructor and speaker. Her Smartphone videographer classes and iPhone Video Toolkit have helped thousands of bloggers, solopreneurs, business owners and nonprofits tell their stories using nothing but their smartphones. Cielo teaches courses on iPhone videography at Stanford, for private firms and at conference workshops, and her work has been featured in Business Insider, USA Today, Cult of Mac and Buzzfeed.

Today, Cielo sits down with me to discuss the art of incorporating storytelling into video. She walks us through the structure of a story, explaining why people are more likely to remember stories over data. Cielo discusses the value of authenticity on social media, how often you should be posting on different platforms, and why the length of a video depends on its content. Listen in for Cielo s insight on the best tools to use to record and edit smartphone video and learn why consistency is more important than perfection!

Today s Topics

How Cielo teaches businesses to employ video marketing
The art of incorporating storytelling into video
The structure of a story
How to transform a just sold into a case study
Why people are more likely to remember stories over data
The value of authenticity on social media
How to think of your small business as a show
The danger in trying to appeal to everyone
Cielo s advice on how often to post video on social platforms
The differences between live and edited video
The tools Cielo uses to record and edit her video content
Why the length of your video depends on its content
How to enhance a talking head video with B roll
Cielo s insight on how flaws make a person more relatable

Connect with Cielo de la Paz

Visit Cielo s website and download her free iPhone video resource kit at Check out her Instagram game at, or find her on YouTube at


iPhone video Toolkit

EVO Gimbals Auto Tracking Software


Mike s Free Course

Flip This Agent

The post Stop Advertising and Start Storytelling with Cielo de la Paz appeared first on Real Estate Marketing Dude.