Aaron Jistel has been an agent then broker for the last 13 years. He is currently the broker and co-founder of ListingSpark. ListingSpark is a technology based real estate brokerage founded in 2011. ListingSpark utilizes a unique subscription based payment model of $7 a day (conveniently billed monthly) rather than the traditional 3% listing commission paid at closing. They are unique in the sense that their clients only pay for the exact amount of service they want and need.

With the $7 a day rate, they offer all of the essential elements of a professional listing including professional photos, sign, supra box, showing notifications and feedback, market data as well as all contracts and documents. Their clients manage their listing through our site or from a tablet or phone. If a seller needs additional service for negotiations, they have an upgraded level of service for a small additional fee paid at closing. They are fast approaching the half a billion mark of real estate sold and have successfully sold thousands of homes throughout Texas. They are in the process of expanding in to Florida, California and several other states in the near future.

What you’ll learn about in this episode:
How Aaron and his co-founder got inspired when they saw the market was changing in 2008
What Aaron did when he realized technology was changing the market
Empowering sellers and helping them in a nontraditional way
The subscription-based world we live in and how it has changed many things, including real estate
What Aaron is able to offer to his customers for $7/day
How Aaron’s product helps investors get the best of both worlds
Maximizing exposure and capturing the entire marketplace through listingspark.com
Software that allows clients to run their own comps, found at listingspark.com/marketcompare
Customization and algorithms in Listing Spark that allow clients to save time and get what they really want
Free services offered by Aaron through Listing Spark
The most important asset any real estate investor will ever possess
The incredible value behind the service Aaron offers clients
How Listing Spark is turning the real estate world upside down
The number one piece of advice Aaron has for investors
One of the biggest factors when it comes to valuing property, and how it can be the difference of tens of thousands of dollars