Stefani Shock’s start in real estate was in New York City in 2003. From the beginning, she wanted to sell condo developments but in a competitive industry, those opportunities were next to impossible.

After eight years of brokering property, she finally got her first on-site sales position at a luxury condo building. Unfortunately that was in 2009 — a time where people weren’t purchasing luxury homes. After selling the building out in record time, she moved onto another luxury development and then moved to the Bahamas to sell condos in a another luxury development/resort community.

Her history in real estate had the ups and downs a roller coaster could envy. She is now a certified performance coach for Realtors and creator of the online course, Broker Flow, where she teaches the same techniques that power-brokers use in order to have a solid and successful business.

What you’ll learn about in this episode:
The ups and downs and highs and lows of Stefani’s career
Unreal Estate: what it is and what it means to Stefani
Why agents and brokers should be classified as entrepreneurs
How the entrepreneurial spirit got Stefani into real estate
A story about how parking in New York City led to inspiration
Struggles of real estate in New York City
Stefani’s major light bulb moment while she was working as a broker
What Stefani did when she was getting close to eviction
The benefits of networking and using contacts
How Stefani went from rock bottom to tripling her income
Why it’s important to be humble enough to ask for help
How Stefani found success with luxury condos in New York City
A misconception people have about brokers in exotic locations
Why now is the best and easiest time to ask the world for what you need
Why you should never stop at the first no
The story of Stefani selling her first condo in the Bahamas over lunch
How to negotiate deals with people who are looking for a second home
What Stefani’s free digital book teaches about “Unreal Estate”
What Mitch’s first book “Failing Forward to Financial Freedom” is about
Inspiration for rewriting your whole life when you’re at the bottom
Why focusing on the positive is so powerful
Focusing on mindset and eliminating excuses