Daniel Roy Baron 2020 unaffiliated 3rd party write-in candidate for USA President and Host of RealDemocracy.info interviews with Nita Wiggins author of Civil Rights Baby. TV Broadcaster-turned-professor Nita Wiggins delivered Civil Rights Baby.

Nita and I also discuss Mr. Rogers and his theme won't you be my neighbor?
With these conference calls and technology we can reach more and more people
and help deal with difficult times such as holidays with no family that was alienated
and I would like to turn this Won't you be my neighbor series into a charity that
will help save lives and help prevent suicides by giving voice to the voiceless. Learn
more about Mr. Rogers here.


Won't you be my neighbor?

Nita was born in Macon Georgia and reached success in Dallas Texas as a TV Broadcaster winning national and regional broadcasting honors along the way. During 21 years on USA television Nita crashed reporting barriers and landed exclusive interviews with Muhammad Ali, Roger Staubach, Michael Jordan and many others. Here is a link to Civil Rights baby and we will be adding this to our reference guide on the Real Democracy info website.


Wouldn't it be great if we had a conference call with millions? This would include the USA President, Senators, Congress and all the citizens who elected them into office? Wow! Now that is a won't you be my neighbor spectacular that we would ALL love!!

Welcome to Real Democracy as we present The Great Mandate for Democracy to the United States of America. We are taking to the streets, conference calls and calling for a shutdown of government until they all sign an oath to help the people not the corporations.

We are the beginning of the National Council on Integrity and these series of videos are from actual conference calls that we will be having with those running for office, elected officials and all those who elected them.

The Great Mandate for Democracy is on the moveon.org website and move on was created from the Occupy movement. This mandate is the next extension of Occupy to finally bring Democracy to the USA for the first time in it's history!

We are demanding that the USA become a Democracy for the very first time. The petition can be signed here and your welcome to join us in growing this twice a week conference call to be in the millions. We are doing twice a week conference calls with Democracy advocates past, present and future of all backgrounds and cultures.


Welcome to Real Democracy analysis of new from a people's progressive view. We are broadcasting live from Austin Texas. Our goal is to help move the U.S.A. into a Democracy. The U.S.A. has always been ruled by corporate person-hood, elites and oligarchy.

The Great Mandate for Democracy is a vehicle to bring Democracy to the U.S.A. for the first time in our history and was inspired by worldwide uprisings for Democracy.


Welcome to Real Democracy analysis of new from a progressive view. We are broadcasting live from Austin Texas. Our goal is to help move the U.S.A. into a Democracy. The U.S.A. has always been ruled by corporate person-hood, elites and oligarchy.

The Great Mandate for Democracy is a vehicle it is the next phase of the Occupy Movement in the United States of America to bring Democracy to the U.S.A. for the first time in our history and was inspired by worldwide uprisings for Democracy. Find our shows on YouTube and other social media. Please share subscribe and leave comments.





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