Austin Texas November 25, 2019

This is Bob Dunsmore President Founder Heart Mind Alliance, Real Democracy host and 2020 Unaffiliated Presidential candidate Daniel Roy Wigler Baron and JM running for the USA Senate from California. Learn more about JM for California here.

We all have a brand new growing movement to help bring Democracy to the USA and world for the very first time!!

Everybody knows the Corporations are pulling the strings of who we think are elected however they are not elected they're our rulers and
most of them don't care about us they care about their Corporate bosses!!

We should be pledging allegiance to the Oh Freedom famous Civil Rights song not the song we are currently singing!!!

The pundits, commentators, media have had us fighting over these
polarizing words and saying we are a Republic and many talk good or
bad on Karl Marx, Capitalism Communism Socialism however they don't really tell us what a true Democracy is or should be and even what does that word DEMOCRACY really mean??!?!?!!!

The USA never had a Democracy and
pundits commentators OR ANYONE who
say we have had some kind of
Democracy makes me want to vomit!!!!!

Ok let us do the math. We got
535 USA Congress, 50 Governor's,
around 200 in our state houses and
we got like 9 folks in our city councils.

This handful of people compared to
our 340 million population are
exactly our rulers!!!!!

We choose people to rule us!!!

United Snakes of Absurdity
A democracy requires two things.

We are called a Republic but what
does that have to do with Democracy?

If we had a republic, democracy,
our constitution
would specify these two things:

First, that the public has the ultimate
authority, which is obviousldy untrue.
That specified process distributes
all the decision authority to the
executive, legislative and judicial
branches, none left over for the public.

Second, a republic requires that the
public is represented, reliably,
accurately and with integrity,
and again, that is obviously untrue.


The majority of people are deluded,
by the lies we were told about the
decision process we use as specified
in our constitution.

The lies are absurd, once critical
thinking is applied to the base
premises of that process.

And people who can be convinced to
accept absurdity can be easily
convinced to accept atrocity.

USA citizens agreed to a decision
process that elects people to
positions of power and authority
then act all hurt when *they*
realize you just made them your
*rulers*, not representatives!


How silly are we?

We are bringing Democracy to the
USA for the very first time in
it's history!!!

We are inviting millions to sign
our petition a move on occupy movement
petition to make this a reality and
33 mandates to cut Corporations from our government.

Our goal is to have millions and
billions worldwide people in the USA
and world wide to bring Democracy.

We are not asking for permission
we are demanding that the USA become
a Democracy for the first time in it's history.


So as these conference calls grow
into millions of people calling in and
signing the Great Mandate for Democracy
we create a National Council on
Integrity which will call the govt
into a recess to sign oaths to serve
people and not corporations.

This council will monitor government to
ensure that they are indeed helping
people not corporations.

Join our movement sign our
petition and join our biweekly
Democracy advocate study groups both at
local meetings and conference calls.

We have a meeting page to Real Democracy
which will be updated twice a week right
before the Tuesday night 7pm EST 6pm CST 5pm MTN 4pm PST or Sunday afternoon 3pm EST 2pm CST 1pm MTN noon PST meeting.

We will feature a brand new 20 min or so video of a featured Democracy Advocate and some study group ideas
around their life work, current events and the ongoing updates / goals of

Climate repair
Houses not handcuffs
Black Lives Matter
Native American Rights
Many other groups.

You are all welcome to Real Democracy analysis of new from a people's view. We are broadcasting live from Austin Texas. Our goal is to help move the U.S.A. into a Democracy. The U.S.A. has always been ruled by corporate person-hood, elites and oligarchy.

The Great Mandate for Democracy is a vehicle to bring Democracy to the U.S.A. for the first time in our history and was inspired by worldwide uprisings for Democracy.

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