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This week I have Heather Aardema on the show. She's the founder of the School of Living Lighter.  She's an optimistic build-er-upper, momma of two boys, mountain biker, and fan of homemade and not-perfect.  She's a board-certified coach and expert in behavior change and guides her clients toward weight-loss breakthroughs by helping them clear the clutter—in their minds, bodies, and homes—so that they can live lives they love, too.

In this episode you'll learn:

how body clutter, mind clutter, and home clutter make life feel heavy what you can do to lighten the loadwhy feeling uncomfortable is necessary to experience growth and transformationhow the different types of clutter can show up in your body in the form of weight gain and illnessall about the "JOMO (Joy Of Missing Out) Diet"

Learn more about Heather:
The School of Living Lighter


Do you want to create a life you love? One that's bigger and better? A life that matches who you are on the inside?

Join me for How to Create the Life You Want, an interactive workshop where we'll explore the gap between where you are and where you want to be, as well as what's standing in the way of you going after it.

Date: Thursday, June 23
Time: 7:00 pm Eastern
Location: ZOOM

This is an interactive workshop, so you'll get the most out of it if you attend LIVE. Plus, when you attend the live, you'll receive a workbook to use during the workshop and as you continue your exploration afterwards.


Upcoming Retreat! RISE: The Live Retreat Experience
Are you ready to let go of the "shoulds" and "have tos" that hold you back? Are you tired of feeling stuck and unsure of your next steps in life and purpose?

Do you crave self-confidence and love for yourself? Do you wish you could just get off of your hamster wheel and feel excited about your life?

Join me for a 3-day retreat in bucolic and serene rural Maryland. You'll have dedicated time for yourself to discover something about who you really are and what you want in life. You'll learn to see new possibilities for your life and get the tools to go for it.

Email Kortney for more details.

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