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Did you know that your brain is actually wired to favor complexity in things? It's called complexity bias and it describes the tendency we have to make something simple appear complex and difficult to understand.

But why are we wired this way? What are some other reasons we make life so much more complicated than it needs to be?

Listen to this episode to learn what gets in the way of simplicity, more on complexity bias, and what we can do to start inviting more ease and flow into our lives.


Making things less complicated can be, well, complicated. We all have blocks, and when our brain is already wired to want to make things more difficult than they need to be, seeing those blocks can be tricky.

I invite you to a free Clarity Session with me where we can chat all about what feels sticky and hard for you right now.  I'll give you my thoughts on why that is and what you can do to bring more ease and simplicity into your life.  I can also share how my 6-month coaching program can help you simplify your life so you can kick some ass and create a life you LOVE.

Reach out to me HERE and I'll hook you up! 

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